
What Is A Reiki Blanket?

When you first learn about Reiki, it can be very exciting to access the universal life force energy and feel as one with the universe. Be able to heal yourself from pain or illness and even heal other people, making the world a better place while increasing your spirituality along the way.

But what if you don’t have a Reiki attunement? What if you don’t have access to a trustworthy Reiki practitioner? How can you get Reiki healing?

These were the question I asked myself which led me to get my Reiki level 1 attunement to practice self-healing and later my level 2 attunement to increase my vibration. I didn’t see any other way to get Reiki healing without the help of a Reiki practitioner.

Now things have changed for the better because with a Reiki blanket you will be able to get Reiki healing without an attunement or even a Reiki practitioner, any day of the week at any time you need it.

What Is A Reiki Blanket?

A Reiki blanket is a 100% natural cotton blanket infused with Reiki energy that can induce your body’s self-healing capabilities just like a Reiki session does. The Reiki blanket works as a medium to hold the universal life force energy and it shares this energy with every person that uses the blanket.

For the blanket to be infused with Reiki, a Reiki master must perform a Reiki attunement on the blanket itself just like an attunement for a student. This way the blanket will hold the universal life force energy for a very long time and help its user every time he or she wears the Reiki blanket.

How Does A Reiki Blanket Work?

When it comes to energy healing there are things we yet don’t understand and modern science can’t prove. Some things come to light once in a while like the meridian system who has been used for thousands of years in eastern medicine, has just been proven to exist by modern science, and it’s now called the primo vascular system which is exactly identical to the meridian system.

Another thing that came to light by a Canadian biologist called Dr. Bernard Grad is that cotton is able to hold energy. He performed a study with recognized touch healers in which they found that cotton can hold healing energy and that this energized cotton could help wounds heal faster and plants grow bigger.

These findings showed that cotton fabric is the best object to hold universal life force energy and that it can be used for healing. That is why Reiki blankets must be 100% organic cotton and each blanket must be personally infused with Reiki by a Reiki master or practitioner.

Benefits Of Using A Reiki Blanket

Using a Reiki blanket is very easy as you just have to place the blanket over your body. It can help anyone who needs healing or wants to increase their spirituality. There are many benefits to using this amazing blanket, such as:

You Can Get Reiki Healing Anytime You Need It

Sometimes when you need to get Reiki you can’t find a trustworthy Reiki practitioner or you are just unable to assist a Reiki session. This problem is completely solved with an energized blanket because you can get Reiki anytime you cover yourself with the blanket.

It Helps You Sleep Better

There is nothing better than going to sleep with a soft warm blanket on a cold night. Now imagine going to sleep with a soft warm energized blanket. It will improve your sleep by helping you fall asleep faster, stay asleep for longer, and it removes bad dreams.

It Helps You Feel Less Pain

When you suffer from a chronic illness or when you’re very sick, you feel constant pain. A Reiki blanket will reduce this pain by just covering yourself with it. The best thing about this pain reduction is that it compliments your medical treatments as you can get dialysis or chemotherapy while using the blanket.

It Reduces Your Anxiety

The universal life force energy in the blanket will help you reduce your anxiety and depression by giving you a safe space filled with unconditional love. When you feel safe, your anxiety is reduced significantly and you feel a lot better about yourself.

It Makes You Feel Calm

Imagine you are being hugged by a loved one. It feels very relaxing as you can literally feel the love from the other person. The same thing happens with the blanket. When you cover yourself with it, you feel the universal life force energy surrounding you like a huge hug. This will reduce your stress completely, making you feel very calm.

Comment below if you know any more benefits of using a Reiki blanket and let us know if you own one!

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