Do Chakra Beads Really Work? (Solved)

Many people wear chakra beads in their jewelry to bring balance to their bodies and protect them from negative energies. Do these chakra beads work or are they just another fad? 

There has been so much controversy surrounding jewelry that claims to improve your well-being, that it is becoming harder and harder to trust those claims or even trust the idea that placing jewelry over your body can have an impact on your health. Like the expensive silicone bracelet that claimed to improve your balance and made millions in sales before people realized it was all just a scam.

But when you consider that there have been tons of people benefiting from crystal healing therapy for many years and that crystals have been added as complementary tools in other energy healing practices, it is not irrational to think that chakra beads can have a positive impact on your health.

In this blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about chakra beads and how effective they can really be.

Do Chakra Beads Work?

Yes, authentic chakra beads are made with natural crystals and gemstones that vibrate on the same high frequencies as your 7 chakras. These chakra beads work by healing and restoring the vibration of your chakras through resonant frequency any time you wear the beads close to your chakras.

Chakra beads usually consist of seven different colored beads made of different crystals to heal the seven chakras and they have been used by a range of civilizations for thousands of years. Chakra bracelets relate to the practice of Reiki healing and help to improve positive health and well-being.  

Some people can be dubious about the power of chakra healing and believe that they simply help focus and promote balance; however, during the Nineteenth century, a device called a Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) was designed for the purpose of measuring the energy of all life. 

The GDV is a non-intrusive and harmless technique whereby an electrical current is passed through the fingertips. As a result, the light energy photos reflect the individual’s energetic state. This device proves that there are energy fields for healing. The GDV has been around for 15 years and is registered as a medical device. 

What Are The Benefits Of Wearing A Chakra Bracelet?

The purpose of chakra beads is to transfuse the negative energy carried in the body into positive healing energy. When the beads make direct contact with the body, the vibrational energy is released from the beads. For those who struggle with balancing their energy and emotions, the chakra beads can help to promote balance. 

Here are the 5 main benefits of wearing a chakra bracelet:

1. It Provides Healing And Restore Balance

As mentioned before, the chakra bracelet’s main purpose is to heal your chakras and restore balance to your 5 bodies (physical, mental, emotional, etheric, and spiritual) for optimal health and vitality. This is the biggest benefit of chakra beads.

2. It Removes Negative Energy From Your Body

Just as our body is able to generate positive energy, it is also able to generate negative energy through negative thoughts and emotions. This negative energy lowers your vibration and can actually ruin your whole day. But when you wear a chakra bracelet, you will be constantly reminded to let both negative thoughts and emotions go by observing and feeling the bracelet. Like a totem of mindfulness.

Also, the chakra beads are able to absorb the negative energy from your body and you will be required to cleanse the beads afterward from that energy.

3. It Attracts Positive Energy

Due to the high vibration of your chakra beads, anything that vibrates on the same high frequencies will be attracted towards them. This will bring positive energy into your body and also attract positive situations in your life that many people might call luck.

4. It Lowers Your Anxiety

Anxiety comes from overthinking which can be very difficult to stop. But when you feel like you are starting to overthink stuff, you can focus on observing and feeling your beads like an anchor. This will make you calm your mind and improve your mental health. The beads will make this process a whole lot easier and faster.

5. It Provides Protection 

You can find negative energy wherever you go that can get attached to you like a seed that grows fast and gets you into a bad mood just to ruin your whole day and lower your vibration. Even though it is a pretty rare occurrence, there are also some people who practice the occult and send negativity to your life through spells and rituals.

By wearing your chakra bracelet you will have a shield of protection from all this negative energy. If there is too much negative energy going your way, your beads will absorb it and break in order to protect you.

How To Know If A Chakra Bracelet Is Real?

If Chakra stones on your Chakra bracelet are not authentic, the string will often consist of a stain or several stains; this can be the result of the stones being painted another color. Within the bead hole, non-original bead holes will have a different color to the actual bead and this is something to look out for. There are also other signs such as lines, and markings from machines.

The size of the beads can also reflect their originality. By checking to see that the stones are perfectly formed will also reveal that they are real. 

Watch this informative video to learn how you can check the authenticity of your beads with different simple and effective techniques.

Where Can I Find An Authentic Chakra Bracelet?

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of searching through many stores including Amazon just to buy a beautiful beaded bracelet that turns out to be fake plastic beads and waste your money, which is more common than you think…

Or even worse, you get a dangerous bracelet with beads that have negative energy stored in them which will transfer into your body the moment you place it on your wrist.

Then I would recommend that you purchase a bracelet that is made with only high-quality materials from an authority brand because you will be able to guarantee that the beads are authentic and the store is trustworthy. 

Get your bracelet from a well-renowned store like Energy Muse with 20+ years of experience making handmade and very high-quality crystal jewelry with unique and beautiful designs. They have been featured in many big magazines such as Cosmopolitan, People, and Vogue.

What Wrist Do You Wear A Chakra Bracelet On? 

The wrist that you choose to wear your bracelet on varies depending upon the results that you would like from the beads. 

Across generations, there are different meanings for the left and the right hands. The purpose of the right hand is to receive positive energy whilst the left hand dispels negative energy. Take time to research the purpose of each chakra crystal, its function, and what you would like to achieve when using the crystal bead. 

Wearing your chakra bracelet on your right wrist produces healing properties and improves your ability to communicate with other people. This can also produce feelings of calm and serenity. 

Wearing your chakra bracelet on your left wrist will produce more inner results such as contentment, healing, and protection from negative energies. 

Can You Wear More Than One Chakra Bracelet?

Wearing more than one chakra bracelet will not increase the energetic field or healing process but if you would like to wear an additional bracelet or a few for fashion purposes then be sure to treat all of the bracelets well by cleaning and cleansing them properly.

Progressively, it takes time for your first chakra to open so wearing numerous chakra bracelets is not the solution to achieving this result. A better option would be to focus on learning about the function of your different chakras, connecting them to the relevant crystal bead, and balancing them on the correct part of your body. 

Wearing one bracelet at a time can also be a wise option for beginners as it enables you to familiarize yourself with each crystal and its purpose. Taking your time to understand the powers and benefits of each crystal will help you select the appropriate crystal to heal and alleviate the underlying health condition that you are struggling with or the area of your life that you would like to improve. 

Can I Wear My Chakra Bracelet In The Shower?

You can wear your chakra bracelet in the shower if you want to, without losing the healing power of the crystal beads or even damaging the beads. 

But depending on the materials used in your bracelet, it can affect the aesthetic look by damaging the metals used or the string used, unless they are precious metals like gold and platinum which don’t get damaged with water.

Also keep in mind that your soap, shampoo, or any product you use can get trapped between the beads and the string of the bracelet making it lose its stability faster.

Can I Wear My Chakra Bracelet To Bed?

There are no issues with wearing your bracelet to bed unless you are an active sleeper who moves a lot at night and might accidentally rip your bracelet which is very unlikely to happen. 

Some people claim that wearing your bracelet to bed can disrupt your sleep and keep you up at night, but that is far from the truth as your gemstones will be consistently healing and energizing your chakras while you sleep.

What Does It Feel Like When Your Chakras Open?

There are physical sensations when your chakras open. There might be a sensation similar to that of an electric shock and this may come as a surprise to some at first. 

Depending upon the chakra there might be different sensations. 

There will also be other visual and auditory experiences with which you are not familiar but the more that you practice opening your chakras, the more that you will get used to them. 

A very common visual experience that comes with the opening of your chakra is the ability to see the color of the chakra that has been opened when you have your eyes closed during meditation or during a Reiki session.

There can be a strong sense of calmness and fulfillment when you open up your chakras and you will feel more connected with yourself, with the universe, and with those around you. You will even potentially have a stronger sense of wisdom. 

When you start to make use of your chakra bracelet and practice opening your chakras this will improve many areas of your life over time. 

Comment below if you found this article helpful and let us know if you are ready to start wearing a chakra bracelet!

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