Does Smoking Affect Your Chakras? (Tobacco & Cannabis)

Cannabis and tobacco have been used in religious ceremonies around the world for centuries.

Native Americans cultivated tobacco thousands of years ago because it was considered a medicinal plant that was used with respect and integrated into their religious ceremonies. Not long ago, Rastafarianism began as a religion that used cannabis in its spiritual ceremonies that helped them connect to a higher power.

Now in our modern-day and age, we have learned that smoking has a negative effect on our physical health by causing respiratory problems, increased aging, and cancer, among many other issues. But what about the impact smoking has on our subtle body?

In this blog post, we are going to explore how marijuana and tobacco impact our etheric bodies and the health of our different chakras.

Does Smoking Affect Your Chakras?

Yes, smoking both tobacco and marijuana will affect your chakras through the negative effects of tar left in your lungs every time you take a puff. Tar coats every inch of your lungs and blood vessels, causing chronic asthma-like symptoms as well as hyperactivity in your immune system. Smoking also degrades the elasticity of cells in our respiratory tract due to tar deposits on cell walls.

This leftover tar will cause a blockage in your lungs that will prevent your body from inhaling prana (life energy) and weaken your chakras in the process, as you will have low energy circulating throughout your body.

You see, we absorb energy from our surroundings with every breath we take. That is why breathing is so essential for our life because we are not just inhaling oxygen, we are also inhaling prana that gives us life and vitality.

Have you ever noticed that when we are very nervous or anxious we take a series of deep breaths to calm ourselves down?

These deep breaths cause a strong intake of prana into our body which causes relaxation and removes all the chatter in your mind that is giving you the anxiety. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to strengthen your life energy and bring balance to your body.

Which Chakras Are Affected By Smoking?

The chakra that smoking tobacco or marijuana harms the most is your Vishuddha otherwise known as the throat chakra. When you smoke, you are virtually guaranteed to develop a sore throat. This is because tar coats your throat chakra and makes it difficult for you to breathe. 

You will start coughing more than usual and won’t be able to breathe the way you’re supposed to, all due to the tar coating your throat chakra and blocking your airways.

Even though smoking any substance will leave tar residue in your lungs, tobacco and marijuana cause different effects in your body, and for that reason, they also affect different chakras. Let’s explore the different chakras affected by each one of these plants.

Chakras Affected By The Use Of Tobacco

As you might already know, smoking tobacco only brings negative effects on your chakras because of all the negative impacts it has on your health. Tobacco smokers usually smoke on a daily basis causing many disruptions in their body which affects all their major chakras. 

Here are the negative effects tobacco has on your 7 chakras:

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Your Muladhara is responsible for your survival instincts and how safe you feel. It deals with your basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter that are the core necessities of living. This chakra is directly connected with your large intestine, teeth, and immune system.

When you smoke tobacco on a daily basis, your immune system’s balance becomes compromised and it will increase the risk for several immune and autoimmune disorders with long-term negative effects on your health. This will cause your white blood cells to mistakenly attack your organs and cause a myriad of problems inside your body, as well as an imbalance in your Muladhara.

2. The Sacral Plexus Chakra (Svadisthana)

Your Svadisthana is responsible for your sexual and reproductive activities. It deals with your emotions and creativity that lets you express yourself or find alternate solutions to a problem. This chakra is directly connected with your genitals, bladder, womb, and kidneys. 

Regular smoking of tobacco will increase your blood pressure and slow the blood flow to important organs. The increase of blood pressure is a major leading cause of kidney disease that will damage your kidney and create an imbalance in your Svadisthana. Not to mention the reduction of libido in both men and women.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Your Manipura is responsible for your personality and self-esteem. It deals with your sense of worth in this world and how you portray yourself as trying to keep up with appearances or being comfortable with who you are. This chakra is directly connected with your stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, and spleen.

Regular smoking of tobacco will severely affect your digestive system by causing peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease, and cancer on the pancreas. The inflammation of your pancreas, otherwise known as pancreatitis, is one of the major causes of smoking and it will create an imbalance in your Manipura.

Also, people who smoke tobacco are aware of the negative consequences of tobacco which mean they are in denial or lie to themselves constantly which affects their self-esteem.

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Your Anahata is responsible for the connection to both physical and spiritual aspects of yourself, it is the bridge between your physical and spiritual chakras. It deals with love, the biggest force in the universe, and the emotion with the highest frequency. This chakra is directly connected with your heart (obviously), circulatory system, lungs, diaphragm, and pericardium.

Regular smoking of tobacco will heavily affect your lungs as it’s a major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and it is also the root cause of diagnosed lung cancer. As mentioned earlier, cigarettes also raise your blood pressure and distribute their toxins through your blood to all your other major organs. This will cause an imbalance in your Anahata.

5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Your Vishuddha is responsible for your true and authentic voice. It deals with your faith and understanding of this life. It is your main source of communication in this world. This chakra is directly connected with your throat (obviously), esophagus, hypothalamus, trachea, teeth, and gums.

Regular smoking of tobacco will make you twice as likely to develop gum disease which will make you lose your teeth and it will definitely give you bad breath. When you develop bad breath, you become unable to speak your truth because you will either be ashamed of your breath or people will try to avoid listening to you. This will cause an imbalance in your Vishuddha and possibly even retain trauma in your body from not being able to express your truth.

6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Your Ajna is responsible for your intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. It deals with your inner wisdom that is not just your intellect, but also the unique intuition that guides you on differentiating good from bad in every aspect of your life. This chakra is directly connected with your brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, and nose.

Regular smoking of tobacco will severely impact the biochemical and physiological functions of your nervous system as nicotine acts as both a stimulant and a depressant to your central nervous system. This is where your addiction to nicotine is created and maintained which will continue causing health issues in your body every time you surrender to the addiction, causing an imbalance in your Anja.

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Your Sahasrara is responsible for your connection to your higher self and the divine. It deals with your ability to recognize and feel a higher power that gives meaning to this life, as well as your ability to understand that you are more than you can perceive. This chakra is directly connected with your muscular system, skeletal system, cerebral cortex, and skin.

Regular smoking of tobacco will negatively impact your perception of your higher self because you are consciously and subconsciously aware that you are damaging and disrespecting yourself every time you take a puff of the cigarette. Also, your skin’s aging process is sped up significantly causing skin diseases and make you look way older than you actually are.

Chakras Affected By The Use Of Marijuana

Unlike tobacco, marijuana actually has both negative and positive effects on your chakras. Constant consumption of marijuana lowers your prana because THC enhances receptors in your body that make you feel great at the moment but at the same time it will use a lot of your energy. The more constantly you smoke during the day, the more energy you spend and the least prana you inhale.

But a passive consumption of marijuana can actually have a positive impact on your chakras when used properly. Like when some athletes smoke marijuana after a workout to reduce the physical and emotional stress caused by the workout.

Here are the 3 chakras that are affected by the use of marijuana:

1. The Sacral Plexus Chakra (Svadisthana)

The moderate use of marijuana will not bring balance to your Svadisthana or any other chakra, but it can positively stimulate it by increasing your creativity in everything you do. You can get inspiration really fast for any creative project and enjoy doing creative activities like drawing, painting, or simply creating. 

Your sex drive will also increase as you will become more in touch with pleasure and release unprocessed anger. Men can get a stronger, faster, and long-lasting erection after smoking marijuana, while women experience a more fulfilling orgasm.

2. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

As mentioned earlier, the use of marijuana has a negative physical impact on your Vishuddha and the organs it’s connected to. It also makes it more difficult for you to express your truth as your mind feels rushed with many thoughts about anything you experience. It can become difficult to communicate with strangers as you will feel social anxiety and fear of speaking something wrong. Also, you become more susceptible to digest lies as truths.

3. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The moderate consumption of marijuana can highly stimulate your Ajna by giving you a different perspective from your intellectual mind. Instead of thinking about life and how life works, you feel it in your body and you experience the world from a completely different perspective. It makes you realize that there is more to this world than what meets the eye, and for this reason, it increases spirituality in your life.

Does Smoking Lower Your Vibration?

Yes, smoking lowers your vibration because it damages your DNA. The more you smoke, the more your body’s cells break down and produce free radicals. These free radicals are a result of the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage DNA and cells in the body.

This damage has been linked to heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, and other health problems. Cancer is a disease that lowers one’s vibration due to its ability to cause pain and suffering in people with the disease as well as their family members around them.

Smoking also lowers one’s vibration through the addiction cycle – the more you smoke, the more you need to smoke to feel calm and relaxed. Addiction is a state of mind when one is unable to break free from using a substance they know is causing them harm. Chances are if you’re addicted to smoking, it’s because your DNA has been damaged by the effects of free radicals it produces every time you smoke.

When you smoke tobacco, oleic acid is released, which causes your appetite to decline. This is because oleic acid is very fat-soluble, causing a drop in metabolism and an increase in calories supplied by food. It also causes irritation of the digestive tract, which forces the body to divert energy into a lower priority area – your lungs instead of your stomach for a while.

In conclusion, when asked what chakras does smoking tobacco affects, it should be almost unanimous to answer that smoking affects the 7 chakras, due to the alteration of the energetic flow between the channels that communicate to all the energy vortexes that form the body, and causes the spiritual vibratory reduction altering the mental and emotional states.

Comment below if you found this article helpful and let us know if you are going to keep smoking away after learning the truth!

Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for advice or treatment from your physician or healthcare provider. You should consult your licensed physician for any medical treatment before trying alternative medicine.

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