Welcome to WellnessLens, a blog dedicated to exploring the transformative practice of Reiki. Our mission is to guide and support new Reiki practitioners, particularly during the pivotal process of Reiki attunements!

We recognize the massive significance of the Reiki attunement and its transformative impact on your Reiki journey. Our unique proposition lies in providing comprehensive guidance, ensuring that new practitioners are well-informed and prepared for this powerful experience. We believe that a comfortable and empowering attunement process sets the foundation for a fulfilling and enriching Reiki practice.

Our Mission Statement is clear: 

To prevent unnecessary challenges and help practitioners make the best use of their Reiki energy healing ability, starting from the attunement. We understand that an attunement can be a profoundly transformative event, and we aim to equip new Reiki practitioners with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to navigate this process with confidence and clarity.

At WellnessLens, we also recognize the power of affirmations as a tool to enhance your Reiki healing ability. We believe that affirmations can serve as powerful anchors, helping practitioners set their intention and ground themselves to channel the full potential of Reiki energy. As part of our guidance, we provide a range of affirmations tailored to support and enhance the Reiki healing experience.

We base all the information in this blog on the knowledge of the most experienced Reiki masters who shared their wisdom in these books:

The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui” by Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter: This book is a fundamental guide that delves into the original teachings and techniques developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, offering invaluable insights and practices for Reiki practitioners.

Reiki: The Legacy of Dr. Usui” by Frank Arjava Petter: Frank Arjava Petter explores the life and legacy of Dr. Usui, tracing the origins of Reiki and its spiritual foundation while providing historical context and wisdom to deepen one’s Reiki practice.

Reiki Fire” by Frank Arjava Petter: This work captures the transformative potential of Reiki through an array of real-life accounts and experiences. It serves as a testament to the profound effectiveness of Reiki in healing and personal growth.

The Spirit of Reiki” by Walter Lübeck, Frank Arjava Petter, and William Lee Rand: This collaborative work by Petter and Rand explores the spiritual aspects of Reiki, emphasizing its connection to personal growth and enlightenment, making it a comprehensive guide for those looking to deepen their understanding of Reiki’s spiritual dimensions.

Integrity and Empathy are at the core of our Brand Values!

We uphold the highest ethical standards, providing accurate and reliable information to empower Reiki practitioners during their attunement journey. 

We empathize and recognize that each individual’s attunement experience is unique. That is why we approach our guidance with compassion, understanding, and the intention to support Reiki practitioners on their path.

Who We Are

Hi, my name is Robert Diaz founder of WellnessLens. I am a Reiki master with 7 years of experience practicing Reiki healing and a total bookworm who has studied energy healing for the most significant part of my life!

After experiencing an intense healing crisis during the 21-day cleansing period of my first attunement I have vowed to help upcoming Reiki practitioners like you to easily prevent a healing crisis and prepare for a Reiki attunement. That is why…

We started this blog with a singular purpose!

To bridge the information gap that often exists for new Reiki practitioners when it comes to the Reiki attunement. 

We provide a wealth of resources, expert insights, practical tips, and empowering affirmations specifically designed to ground, prepare, and enhance your Reiki attunement experience. We aim to ensure that every practitioner embarks on this sacred journey with clarity, confidence, and a solid foundation for their ongoing Reiki practice.

We invite you to explore our blog and discover the wealth of information we offer to support you through your Reiki attunement. Together, let’s embrace this transformative experience, unlock your highest potential, and embark on a path of healing and growth!

Where To Start?