
Everything You Wanted To Know About Reiki Attunements But Were Too Afraid To Ask

reiki attunements questions answered

Reiki attunements can be quite a mystery when you are just starting out in your reiki journey and so little is shared about them. That is why we have gathered up the most burning questions from reiki students and answered them all in one place!

Today you will understand the ins and outs of reiki attunements starting with the biggest question of all:

What is the reiki attunement process?

The reiki attunement is a process that gets your body in tune with the frequency of reiki energy and allows you to channel this healing energy. The same way you would tune your radio frequency to a specific channel in order to listen to the music you love.

During an attunement, a Reiki master or teacher aligns and activates your energy channels, allowing you to access and work with Reiki energy. This attunement enhances your ability to channel and transmit the healing energy, empowering you to use Reiki for self-healing and helping others. It’s like opening a door to the flow of positive energy, promoting relaxation, balance, and well-being.

Is there a difference between an attunement and an initiation?

Technically there is no difference between an attunement and an initiation as they do the exact same thing. However, some reiki masters prefer to call the reiki level 1 attunement an initiation as it will begin your reiki journey and start getting your body tuned to reiki energy.

What does a reiki attunement do?

A Reiki attunement will release all the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages in your body while raising each cell of your body to the high frequency of loving reiki energy, and turn your body into a vessel for reiki energy to pass through, giving you the ability to channel this amazing healing energy.

How many attunements are given in reiki level 1?

In Reiki Level 1, there are 4 attunements given. These attunements are a special energetic process where a Reiki master teacher aligns and opens your energy channels, allowing you to connect with the healing energy of Reiki. These attunements in Level 1 set the foundation for your Reiki journey, enabling you to start practicing self-healing and working with Reiki energy to bring balance and well-being into your life. It’s an empowering and transformative experience that opens the door to the world of Reiki healing.

How many attunements are given in reiki level 2?

In Reiki Level 2, there are 3 attunements given. These attunements build upon the foundation established in Level 1 and further deepen your connection to Reiki energy. The second level attunements focus on the sacred symbols of Reiki, empowering you to utilize their unique energies for distant healing and emotional healing.

These attunements in Level 2 expand your skills and provide you with additional tools to bring healing and harmony to yourself and others. It’s an exciting step forward in your Reiki journey!

How many attunements are given in reiki level 3?

In Reiki Level 3, commonly known as the Reiki Master/Teacher Level, 1 attunement is given.

The attunement in Level 3 is significant as it further deepens your connection to Reiki and provides advanced energetic empowerment.

It is designed to support you in becoming a Reiki master and teacher yourself, allowing you to attune others to Reiki and share this wonderful healing modality with the world. Reiki Level 3 is a profound stage of growth and responsibility in your Reiki journey.

Can you practice reiki without an attunement?

No, in order to fully practice reiki and access its transformative power, receiving formal attunements is a must.

Attunements play a vital role in connecting you to the healing energy of reiki and amplifying your ability to work with it effectively. While it’s true that anyone can work with energy to some extent, attunements provided by a reiki master or teacher are specifically designed to align and attune your energy channels to the Reiki frequency.

Attunements act as a catalyst, opening and expanding your energy channels, enabling you to channel reiki energy with greater clarity and potency. They also introduce you to sacred symbols and techniques that enhance your healing abilities and provide specific frameworks for healing sessions.

Receiving attunements from a qualified reiki master allows you to tap into the full potential of reiki, accessing higher levels of healing energy and deepening your understanding of this holistic practice. Attunements provide a structured and guided pathway, ensuring that you learn and practice reiki in a safe and effective manner.

While you may explore energy work on your own, undergoing a reiki attunement is a significant step that can greatly enhance your experience and proficiency as an energy healing practitioner. Reiki attunements empower you to connect with the lineage and wisdom of Reiki, enabling you to bring profound healing and balance to yourself and others.

Can a reiki attunement be done remotely?

Yes, a reiki attunement can be done remotely as the reiki energy transcends physical distance and can be channeled and received effectively from afar. Through the power of intention and the energetic connection between the reiki master and the recipient, remote attunements can be just as potent and transformative as in-person ones.

During a remote attunement, the reiki master establishes a connection with the recipient energetically, often using visualization techniques or a surrogate symbol. The attunement process is then conducted, with the reiki master sending the energy to the recipient across space and time.

While being physically present with the reiki master can create a more tangible experience, remote attunements have been found to be equally effective in initiating individuals into the reiki energy. Distance does not hinder the flow of reiki, as it transcends physical limitations.

Remote attunements provide flexibility and accessibility, allowing individuals from different locations to receive the attunements without the need for travel or in-person sessions. It’s a wonderful way to experience the transformative power of reiki, even from the comfort of your own home.

So, whether in person or remotely, the important thing is to find a qualified reiki master who can guide you through the attunement process and help you connect with the healing energy of Reiki.

What are the benefits of a reiki attunement?

Reiki attunements offer several benefits for those who receive them. Here are the 4 key benefits of a reiki attunement:

1. Enhanced Energy Connection

A reiki attunement strengthens your connection to the healing energy of reiki, allowing you to tap into its limitless potential. It deepens your ability to channel and work with this energy, amplifying its effectiveness in promoting balance and well-being.

2. Self-Healing and Relaxation

It allows you to practice self-healing with reiki energy. There will be no more need to pay for another reiki session in your life and you will be able to provide healing to the people you love.

The attunement process itself is often deeply relaxing and can promote a sense of peace and harmony within. It supports your own self-healing journey, helping to release stress, tension, and energetic blockages.

3. Heightened Intuition and Awareness

Reiki attunements can enhance your intuitive abilities, allowing you to trust and follow your inner guidance more readily. It can heighten your awareness of energy flow and help you perceive subtle energetic imbalances, supporting your personal and spiritual growth.

4. Personal Growth and Transformation

Reiki attunements can catalyze personal growth and transformation, facilitating a deeper understanding of yourself and your life’s journey. They can open doors to self-discovery, spiritual development, and a greater sense of purpose.

It’s important to note that the benefits of a Reiki attunement can be unique to each individual. Each person’s experience may vary, and the attunement process may have additional effects beyond those mentioned.

If you want to learn the full range of benefits reiki can bring to your life, we invite you to read this article listing all the reiki benefits!

What are the benefits of receiving attunements remotely?

Receiving Reiki attunements remotely offers several benefits. Here are the top 5 benefits of remote attunements:

1. It is Convenient and Accessible

Remote attunements provide flexibility, allowing you to receive the attunements from the comfort of your own home. It eliminates the need for travel or in-person sessions, making it more convenient and accessible, especially for those who may have physical limitations or live in remote areas.

2. You Can Get Your Attunement in a Comfortable Environment

Being in a familiar and comfortable environment during the attunement can enhance relaxation and promote a deeper experience. You can create a soothing space tailored to your preferences, incorporating elements that enhance your sense of well-being.

3. You Can Increase Your Energetic Connection

Reiki energy transcends physical distance, and remote attunements maintain a strong energetic connection between the Reiki master and the recipient. The energetic transmission is just as potent and effective, enabling the attunement to be received with the same power and intention as in-person attunements.

4. You Can Have a Personalized Experience

Remote attunements often allow for more individualized attention and focus. The Reiki master can tailor the experience to your specific needs and provide additional support through communication channels such as video calls, emails, or messages.

5. Take Reiki at Your Own Pace

Following a remote attunement, you have the flexibility to integrate the energy and teachings at your own pace. You can take the time you need to explore and deepen your understanding of Reiki, incorporating the practices into your daily life gradually.

It’s important to note that remote attunements can provide the same transformative benefits as in-person attunements. The energy of Reiki is not limited by physical boundaries, and the attunement process remains just as powerful, supportive, and empowering.

So, if you opt for remote attunements, you can enjoy the convenience, personalized experience, and energetic connection, all while embarking on your Reiki journey with convenience and comfort!

Can you get more than one attunement?

Yes, you can receive more than one Reiki attunement. In fact, there is no limit on how many attunements you can get as each attunement will deepen your connection with reiki energy.

It is advisable for individuals to receive multiple attunements as they progress in their Reiki journey. Each level or degree of Reiki (such as Level 1, Level 2, or Reiki Master) typically involves receiving specific attunements to deepen your connection to the healing energy and expand your abilities as a practitioner.

Receiving additional attunements can further amplify and refine your connection to Reiki, enhancing your healing abilities and spiritual growth. These attunements build upon the foundation of previous ones, allowing you to access higher frequencies of reiki energy and gain deeper insights into the practice.

Do I have to get all the reiki attunements?

You don’t have to receive all the Reiki attunements to practice Reiki. Reiki is a versatile and adaptable healing modality, and you can start practicing with just the Level 1 attunement.

Reiki Level 1 attunement empowers you to channel and work with Reiki energy for self-healing and for sharing with others. It forms the foundation of your Reiki practice, allowing you to experience the benefits of Reiki and bring healing into your life.

While further attunements can deepen your connection and expand your skills as a practitioner, they are not mandatory for practicing Reiki. Some individuals choose to progress through the different levels and receive additional attunements as they continue their Reiki journey, while others may find Level 1 attunement sufficient for their needs.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue additional attunements depends on your personal goals and aspirations as a Reiki practitioner. You can explore and practice Reiki at a level that feels comfortable and aligned with your intentions. Remember, the most important aspect is your intention to work with the healing energy and your dedication to your own growth and well-being.

However, if you want to learn reiki as a profession, you are required to get all your attunements for all 3 reiki levels in order to teach reiki and be able to provide the attunements to others.

How much does a reiki attunement cost?

The cost of a Reiki attunement can vary depending on several factors. The fees for attunements are set by individual Reiki masters or teachers, and they can be influenced by factors such as location, experience, and the specific Reiki tradition or lineage they follow.

The cost of a Reiki attunement typically includes the attunement process itself, along with any materials, resources, or certificates provided by the Reiki master. Attunement fees can range from relatively affordable to higher-end investments, depending on various considerations.

If you are interested in receiving a Reiki attunement, it is important to choose a reputable and experienced practitioner who resonates with you and aligns with your goals and values.

Remember that the value of a Reiki attunement goes beyond the monetary aspect. It is an investment in your personal growth, healing journey, and ability to work with healing energy.

Read this article on “How much does reiki level 1, 2, and 3 really cost” which goes into depth on the different costs for each reiki level with exact figures so that you can decide for yourself what is the best option for your budget.

Can a reiki attunement fail?

No, reiki attunements provided by reiki master teachers are highly effective in connecting you with reiki healing energy and allowing you to channel this loving energy by yourself. It is important to understand that everyone reacts differently to the attunement and many people do not feel a difference after getting it, making them think that it did not work. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. You just need to trust in the loving reiki energy to know what is best for you.

If you want to take a sneak peek at how your body will react to a reiki attunement, we highly advise you to take this short quiz and find out.

How long does a reiki attunement take?

A reiki attunement can take from 15 minutes to 1 hour. The length of the attunement depends on the specific Reiki tradition or lineage, the level of attunement (such as Level 1, Level 2, or Master), and the individual approach of the Reiki master teacher.

Level 1 attunements generally require less time compared to higher-level attunements, which may involve more comprehensive teachings and practices.

It’s important to remember that the duration of the attunement itself is just one aspect of the process. The attunement session also includes an introduction to Reiki, sharing of information and teachings, and time for questions and discussions.

If you are considering receiving a Reiki attunement, it’s best to inquire with the Reiki master teacher about the expected duration of the attunement session. They can provide you with more specific details and help you understand what to expect.

Remember that the attunement process is a sacred and transformative experience, and the time taken is designed to ensure a thorough and meaningful connection to the healing energy of Reiki.

How long does a reiki attunement last?

The effects of a Reiki attunement will last a lifetime. Once you receive a Reiki attunement, your connection to the healing energy of Reiki is established permanently. This means you have the ability to access and work with Reiki energy for the rest of your life.

The attunement itself is a one-time process that initiates you into Reiki and aligns you with the healing energy. It’s a transformative experience that opens channels within you, allowing the flow of Reiki energy. This connection remains with you indefinitely.

After receiving an attunement, the ability to practice Reiki and utilize the energy is always available to you. It’s a lifelong gift that can be accessed whenever you choose to channel the healing energy for self-healing, helping others, or personal growth.

However, it’s important to note that the depth of your Reiki practice can evolve and deepen over time with regular practice and continued learning. It’s beneficial to engage in regular self-practice, receive additional attunements as you progress in your Reiki journey, and participate in advanced Reiki training if you wish to expand your skills and knowledge.

Can you do a reiki self-attunement at home?

No, Reiki attunements are only facilitated by an experienced Reiki master who has been trained and initiated into the Reiki lineage. They have the knowledge and energetic expertise to guide you through the attunement process, ensuring a safe and effective experience.

While self-attunements may be tempting for convenience or cost-saving reasons, it’s recommended to approach them with caution. Receiving attunements from a knowledgeable and experienced Reiki master provides a more comprehensive and authentic experience, with the opportunity for guidance, support, and proper energetic alignment.

If you’re interested in Reiki, it’s recommended to seek out a qualified Reiki master teacher who can provide proper attunements, guidance, and support on your Reiki journey.

What happens during the reiki attunement?

During a Reiki attunement, you will go through a sacred and transformative process facilitated by a Reiki master. The specific details and rituals can vary depending on the Reiki tradition or lineage, but here’s a general overview showed in 5 steps :

1. Preparation

The attunement process often begins with a brief discussion or introduction to Reiki, where the Reiki master will explain the attunement procedure and answer any questions you may have.

2. Meditation and Intention Setting

You will be guided to relax and enter a meditative state. The Reiki master will create a serene and energetically conducive environment. Together, you will set clear intentions for the attunement, focusing on your connection to Reiki and your personal growth as a practitioner.

3. Energetic Alignment

The Reiki master will facilitate the flow of Reiki energy by performing specific hand gestures and placements. They may use symbols or other energetic techniques to enhance the attunement process. The energy will be directed towards you, aligning and opening your energy channels to connect with the healing energy of Reiki.

4. Attunement Transmission

The Reiki master will transmit the reiki energy through your crown chakra and attune you to this loving energy. This energetic transfer is done through intention, visualization, and direct energy contact. You may experience sensations such as warmth, tingling, or a deep sense of relaxation as the attunement energy is received.

5. Integration and Closing

After the attunement, there is usually a period of integration where you may rest, reflect, or share your experience with the Reiki master. They may provide guidance on how to integrate your new energy-healing ability into your personal practice and daily life. The session will conclude with gratitude and closing rituals.

Remember, the attunement is a unique and personal experience for each individual. It is an initiation into the healing energy of Reiki, fostering a deep connection to the energy and empowering you as a practitioner. The attunement process is designed to provide you with the ability to channel Reiki energy, support your personal growth, and enhance your spiritual journey.

What does it feel like to get an attunement?

The experience of receiving a Reiki attunement can vary from person to person, but here’s a general idea of what it can feel like:

During a Reiki attunement, you may feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace. Many individuals describe sensations of warmth, tingling, or gentle energy flowing through their body. Some may experience a sense of lightness, clarity, or a release of emotional or physical tension. It’s common to enter a meditative state or feel a deep connection to the healing energy of Reiki.

Each person’s experience is unique, and some individuals may have more subtle or internal sensations, while others may have more noticeable physical or energetic sensations. It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel during an attunement, and your experience may differ from others.

It’s also possible to have emotional experiences during an attunement as the energy works to balance and heal on different levels. Some people may feel a sense of joy, peace, or a release of emotional blockages.

After the attunement, you may continue to feel the effects as the energy integrates within you. It’s common to experience a heightened sensitivity to energy, increased intuition, or a deeper connection to your own healing abilities.

Ultimately, the attunement is a personal and transformative experience that opens you up to the healing energy of Reiki. Embrace whatever sensations or feelings arise during the process, and trust that the attunement is working to support your well-being and growth as a practitioner.

How do you feel after a reiki attunement?

After a Reiki attunement, people often describe feeling a variety of positive effects. Here are the 5 most common experiences:

1. Deep Relaxation

Many individuals feel a profound sense of relaxation and calmness after a Reiki attunement. It can leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and more at peace with yourself.

2. Energetic Sensations

Some people may continue to feel gentle warmth, tingling, or a pleasant flow of energy in their body following an attunement. This can be a reminder of the connection to the healing energy of Reiki.

3. Emotional Balance

Reiki attunements can help bring emotional balance by releasing emotional blockages and promoting a sense of harmony. You might experience a greater sense of clarity, contentment, or emotional well-being.

4. Heightened Awareness

Many individuals report an increased awareness of their own energy and a heightened sense of intuition following an attunement. You may feel more attuned to subtle energies around you or have a deeper connection to your own inner guidance.

5. Self-Healing

Reiki attunements initiate a powerful process of self-healing. You may find that physical, emotional, or mental imbalances start to shift, and your overall well-being improves over time.

It’s important to remember that the experiences after a Reiki attunement can be highly personal and unique to each individual. Some may have immediate noticeable effects or no effects at all, while others may experience more subtle changes that unfold gradually.

Right after your Reiki attunement, you will enter a 21-day purification period where your body will release all your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual toxins. This period of adjustment can be very uncomfortable for some individuals, especially people who live unhealthy lifestyles.

The purification period is an essential part of your reiki attunement as reiki will cleanse your body in order to raise your vibration to the frequency of reiki, allowing you to channel this powerful energy effectively. If you really want to know how you will feel after the attunement, you should take this quiz to learn how your body will react to it.

What is a reiki attunement healing crisis?

A Reiki attunement healing crisis is a dramatic healing reaction during the 21-day purification period where you experience strong uncomfortable symptoms of detoxification such as flu-like symptoms, aching joints, diarrhea, nausea, random negative emotions, the rise of suppressed memories, and fatigue for a long period of time that can range from days to weeks.

The healing crisis can happen when you have too many different energetic blockages in your body that the reiki healing energy is releasing in order to bring you back in balance. If you would like to learn more about the reiki attunement side effects, we encourage you to read this article with the complete list.

Even though it can be very uncomfortable, it is generally considered a positive sign that the attunement is working and facilitating a healing response within you. Indicating that the energy is bringing underlying issues to the surface for resolution.

During a healing crisis, it is important to prioritize self-care. This may include getting ample rest, drinking plenty of water, engaging in grounding practices, and seeking support from your Reiki master.

Remember, a healing crisis is a natural part of the healing journey and it indicates that positive shifts and transformations are occurring within you. It is temporary in nature, and with proper self-care and support, you can navigate through it and experience the benefits of the healing process.

If you want to know if you will experience a healing crisis after your attunement, we highly advise that you take this short quiz and find out how your body will react to the attunement beforehand.

What should you do before a reiki attunement?

Before a Reiki attunement, it’s beneficial to take a few simple steps to prepare yourself for the experience. Here are 4 things you can do:

1. Hydrate

It’s important to drink plenty of water before your attunement. Hydration helps to promote the flow of energy and supports the body’s natural cleansing processes.

2. Clear Your Mind

Engage in activities that help you relax and clear your mind before the attunement. This may include meditation, deep breathing exercises, gentle stretching, or any practices that promote a sense of calm and centeredness.

3. Practice Self-Care

Prioritize self-care before your attunement. Get enough sleep, eat nourishing foods, and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being helps create a receptive state for the attunement.

4. Ask Questions

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Reiki master teacher. They are there to support you and provide guidance. Clearing any doubts or uncertainties beforehand can help you feel more at ease during the attunement.

Remember, the attunement process is a special and sacred moment. By preparing yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally, you can create an optimal environment to receive and integrate the attunement energy. Trust in the process, stay open to the experience and allow the healing energy of Reiki to work its magic.

Does an attunement need to be renewed?

No, a Reiki attunement does not need to be renewed. Once you receive a Reiki attunement, it establishes a permanent connection to the healing energy of Reiki. This means you have the ability to access and work with Reiki for the rest of your life.

Unlike some certifications or licenses that require renewal, Reiki attunements are considered to be lifelong initiations. The attunement process opens and aligns your energy channels, allowing you to connect to the universal life force energy anytime you choose.

While a Reiki attunement itself does not need to be renewed, it’s important to continue practicing and engaging with Reiki regularly. Regular self-treatments, working with others, and ongoing learning can help deepen your understanding and enhance your connection to Reiki over time.

Additionally, if you wish to progress to higher levels of Reiki or become a Reiki master yourself, you may receive additional attunements and training. These advanced levels build upon the foundation of the initial attunement and can further expand your knowledge and abilities.

What is a reiki booster attunement?

A Reiki booster attunement, also known as a Reiki tune-up or refresher attunement, is an additional attunement that aims to reinforce and strengthen your connection to the healing energy of Reiki. It is typically offered to individuals who have already received Reiki attunements in the past. Mikao Usui used to give booster attunements to his students on a regular basis.

Here are the 3 key benefits of receiving Reiki booster attunement:

1. It Provides Reinforcement

A booster attunement is designed to reinforce and amplify your existing Reiki energy. It helps to replenish and rejuvenate your connection to the healing energy, providing a “boost” to your Reiki practice.

2. It Provides an Energetic Alignment

During a booster attunement, your energy channels are realigned and strengthened, allowing for a deeper connection to the Reiki energy. It can enhance your ability to channel and work with this energy more effectively.

3. It Enhances Your Personal Growth

A booster attunement can support your ongoing personal and spiritual growth. It can help you overcome energetic stagnation, release blockages, and expand your understanding of Reiki on a deeper level.

Can I repeat a reiki attunement?

If you haven’t practiced reiki for a while and think that you lost your reiki ability or that your attunement will wear off over time then there is nothing to worry about because you will never lose your ability and there is no need whatsoever to repeat a reiki attunement.

Reiki attunements are permanent and you will always have the ability to channel this amazing loving energy even if you haven’t practiced reiki healing in 20 years!

But just for your peace of mind, there is no risk in repeating a reiki attunement if you wish to do so. However, we would advise that you go for a booster attunement instead as it would ignite your passion for this healing energy and give you a fresh start or get a reiki session from another reiki master to feel the loving healing energy of reiki again. Like stimulating the muscle memory of your energetic system.

Why can’t I sleep after a reiki attunement?

Experiencing difficulty sleeping after a Reiki attunement is a common occurrence for some individuals. Here are the 4 main reasons why this might happen:

1. Heightened Energy

After a Reiki attunement, you may experience a surge of energy or increased sensitivity. This heightened energy can make it challenging to relax and fall asleep easily, as your body adjusts to the new energetic state.

2. Release of Blockages

Reiki attunements can facilitate the release of physical, emotional, and energetic blockages within your system. This release process may temporarily disrupt your sleep patterns as your body and mind adjust to the changes occurring within you.

3. Heightened Awareness

Reiki attunements often bring about a heightened state of awareness and sensitivity. Your senses may be more alert, and you may be more receptive to subtle energies. This increased awareness can make it more difficult to quiet your mind and drift into sleep.

4. Emotional Processing

Reiki attunements can also stir up emotions as part of the healing process. Emotions that were previously suppressed or unresolved may come to the surface, potentially affecting your sleep as you navigate through these emotional shifts.

How to fall asleep after a reiki attunement?

If you are having trouble sleeping after a Reiki attunement, here are 4 suggestions you can try:

1. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle stretching before bedtime to help calm your mind and body.

2. Create a Soothing Sleep Environment

Ensure your sleep environment is comfortable, quiet, and conducive to relaxation. Consider using calming essential oils, soothing music, or a comfortable sleep setup.

3. Practice Self-Care

Prioritize self-care and engage in activities that promote relaxation and balance, such as taking warm baths, practicing gentle yoga, or enjoying a calming cup of herbal tea.

4. Give It Time

Remember that any temporary sleep disturbances are often part of the healing process. As your body and energy system adjust to the attunement, your sleep patterns should gradually return to normal.

If your sleep difficulties persist or cause significant distress, it may be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional or discuss your experiences with a Reiki master or practitioner who can provide additional guidance and support.

How can I let the energy of an attunement flow again?

If you want to allow the energy of a Reiki attunement to flow again, here are 6 techniques you can try that have proven to be highly effective:

1. Self-Treatments

Engage in regular self-Reiki treatments. By placing your hands on your body and intending for the healing energy to flow, you can reactivate and reconnect with the Reiki energy. Consistent self-treatments help to maintain and strengthen your energetic connection.

2. Meditation and Intention

Set aside time for meditation and intention-setting. Through focused meditation, visualize the Reiki energy flowing through you, cleansing and balancing your energy centers. Intentionally invite and allow the energy to flow freely, nourishing and revitalizing your entire being.

3. Breathwork

Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. Deep, conscious breathing helps to expand your energy field and facilitates the movement of energy. With each inhale, imagine drawing in the healing energy of Reiki, and with each exhale, release any stagnant or blocked energy.

4. Connecting With Nature

Spend time in nature. Nature has its own natural energy flow, and by immersing yourself in natural environments, you can harmonize with this energy. Walk barefoot on the earth, sit near trees, or listen to the sounds of flowing water. These activities can help restore and replenish your energetic balance.

5. Physical Movement

Engage in gentle physical movement practices, such as yoga or tai chi. These practices promote the circulation of energy throughout your body, releasing blockages and allowing the Reiki energy to flow more freely.

6. Seek a Reiki Session

Receiving Reiki treatments from someone else can help stimulate and reactivate the flow of energy within you. It can also provide an opportunity to relax and receive healing support.

Remember, the intention to allow the energy to flow again is a powerful starting point. Trust in the innate wisdom of your body and the Reiki energy itself. By incorporating these practices into your routine and remaining open and receptive, you can create an environment that encourages the reawakening and continuous flow of the healing energy of Reiki.

What can I exactly do with the energy after the attunement?

After receiving a Reiki attunement, you can use this powerful energy in various ways to support yourself and others. Here are the 6 best implementations of reiki energy into your life:

1. Engage In Self-Healing

Use the Reiki energy for self-healing. You can place your hands on your body, allowing the energy to flow and support the balance and well-being of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

2. Provide Healing for Others

Offer Reiki healing to others. With their consent, you can use the Reiki energy to provide soothing and supportive energy to friends, family members, or clients. By channeling the energy through your hands, you can promote relaxation, release tension, and support the body’s natural healing process.

3. Provide Distance Healing

Use Reiki for distance healing. Reiki energy is not bound by physical limitations, so you can send healing energy to individuals who are not physically present with you. Through intention and visualization, you can direct the healing energy to anyone, anywhere in the world.

4. Use It for Emotional Support

Reiki energy can assist in emotional healing and support. You can use the energy to bring comfort, release emotional blockages, and promote a sense of peace and well-being. It can be particularly helpful during times of stress, anxiety, grief, or emotional challenges.

5. Do Energetic Cleansing of Your Environment

Clear and balance the energy in your surroundings. You can direct the Reiki energy to cleanse and purify your living spaces, objects, or even the energy of a room or environment. This can help create a more harmonious and energetically supportive atmosphere.

6. Use It for Personal Growth and Spiritual Development

Reiki energy can be used for personal growth and spiritual exploration. By inviting the energy to flow, you can deepen your connection with your higher self, gain insights, and expand your spiritual awareness.


I hope that all your reiki attunement questions have been answered and you have become motivated to pursue your initiation with reiki. Embarking on the lifelong commitment to your own well-being and the well-being of those around you.

Embracing the wisdom of the Reiki principles such as compassion, gratitude, and mindfulness as you continue your Reiki journey. Trust your intuition and the transformative power of Reiki to guide you toward a path of healing, balance, and spiritual expansion.

Take the first step towards this amazing life-changing journey by finding the best Reiki courses online that align with your goals and are given by the most experienced Reiki masters who can provide the most powerful distant attunements!

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