Can Blocked Chakras Cause Acne? (Solved)

Is acne just a problem of the skin or is it something much bigger?

Many studies have found that acne is just a symptom of a bigger issue. The root cause of most big acne breakouts is related to your diet and the health of your gut microbiome because of the recently found Gut-Skin Axis. A weak gut microbiome will damage the intestine wall causing leaky gut syndrome and provoke an inflammatory response that ends up creating an acne breakout.

This means that eating foods such as processed foods, dairy, high sugar foods, high inflammatory foods, and especially foods that cause an asymptomatic allergic reaction will hurt your gut microbiome and cause an acne breakout. Not to mention all the other factors such as hydration, sleep, stress, and anything that can negatively impact your microbiome.

But what if I told you that all these issues you are having that hurt your microbiome are actually manifested by a bigger and deeper problem such as an energetic imbalance in your body…

In this blog post, we will explore how your etheric body (subtle body) could be the primary root cause of your acne breakout.

Can Blocked Chakras Cause Acne?

Blocked chakras can cause many direct and indirect issues in your body that can have a significant impact on your health. Some of these indirect issues are known to trigger acne breakouts such as increased cortisol levels, lack of sleep, and hormonal imbalances.

In many cases, your blocked chakras can directly create a negative impact on the functioning of some organs in your body and cause different health conditions that turn into chronic diseases over time if they are not treated. The most common organ to be impacted by blocked chakras is your gut which you already know has the ability to cause a breakout.

But we also need to consider the fact that your skin is actually the biggest organ in the body and it can be negatively impacted from within in a huge range of ways. Remember that your body is a very complicated system with systems within systems that have to work all in harmony to make your body work properly. 

When one area of your body or a specific system in your body is out of balance, then other areas and other systems of your body become imbalanced as well. This, in turn, causes a host of minor issues that with time become big issues.

The most interesting thing about this is that when it happens, your body tries to warn you of internal issues and show you that something is not working properly by displaying the issues on your skin through rashes, bumps, pimples, eczema, etc. Unless they are bigger issues that actually cause severe pain from within.

That is why internal conditions such as an iron deficiency in your body can cause itchy skin, rashes, bumps, and in severe cases even bruises. The same goes for blocked chakras, as they can cause internal conditions that end up forming pimples on your skin. 

Which Blocked Chakra Causes Acne?

The human body is governed by 7 fundamental chakras, arranged along the line that forms the spine and located from the genital area to the crown of the head, these important points in the body, are centers, species of energy vortices, whose function is the accumulation, transformation, and distribution of vital energy called Chi. 

There are 4 of these fundamental chakras that can create issues in your body resulting in an acne breakout when they are blocked.

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The root chakra is located in the lower part of the trunk of the human body, specifically in the area between the genitals and the anus, known as perineum cervix, or base of the spine, coccyx, and is called Muladhara. It is connected with your immune system and large intestine.

This is the chakra largely responsible for how safe and secure you feel. It deals with your primal needs of food, clothing, shelter, and community, which are the basic essentials of life that each one of us needs just to live. It is also your direct connection with mother earth and your role in the entire ecosystem of the natural world.

When your basic and primal needs are not being met or you are having issues with them, your Muladhara becomes unbalanced. 

There are many different issues that arise from your primal needs like not knowing where your next meal is going to come from, not knowing how you are going to pay rent next month, not knowing how you are going to pay for maintenance costs of your home, and basically not being able to afford to live comfortably. 

Money problems are a huge cause of chronic stress because living is expensive and most jobs usually don’t pay enough. This chronic stress can become a major trigger for your acne breakout, and in turn, acne leads to situations of more stress, causing damage to your immune system and large intestine by provoking leaky gut syndrome which as you already know, can cause a big acne breakout.

2. The Sacral Plexus Chakra (Svadisthana)

The sacral plexus chakra is located about three inches below the navel and it is called Svadisthana. It is connected with your genitals, bladder, and kidneys.

This is the chakra that is the most closely connected with sensuality, emotions, and creativity. It deals with your feeling and your sense of expression because everything we create, we do it for the opposite sex or the sex you are attracted to. Creativity comes from our sexual attraction and it becomes manifested in many ways like art, music, poetry, and anything that can cause emotions in other people.

When you are having any kind of issues surrounding your sexuality such as not being able to find a partner, not being able to practice intimacy, having gender issues, and anything that has to do with sex, your Svadisthana becomes unbalanced. Especially if the issues are regarding sexual traumas like abuse or rape.

These issues can make it difficult to express your feelings and make you feel out of touch with pleasure in general. When you can’t express your feelings, you cause problems in your platonic and romantic relationships which can end up in feelings of stress, anxiety, and shame that are able to provoke a hormonal imbalance in your body.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of acne breakouts, especially for breakouts on the lower side of your face. 

3. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra is located between your breasts over your heart and it is called Anahata. It is connected with your heart (obviously), circulatory system, and lungs.

This chakra holds our connection to both the physical and spiritual aspects of ourselves. It is the bridge that connects your lower chakras regarding your physical self with your upper chakras regarding your higher self. It is essential to understand this energy is multidimensional.

Having the capacity to love, appreciate beauty, and create meaningful relationships are characteristics of the Anahata. This also helps you to become a better partner in relationships with others. 

When you have a problem with love or acceptance towards yourself, you become unable to give or receive love, making your Anahata fall out of balance. 

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, living in the core of every living being in existence. It is so powerful that it can greatly impact every aspect of your physical, emotional, mental, etheric, and spiritual bodies when stimulated in both positive and negative ways. 

If you get emotionally hurt from a platonic or romantic relationship that ends up causing heartache, your pain will cause huge amounts of stress that will end up causing an acne breakout. The same goes for experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one.

Also when you have issues accepting yourself and feel out of touch with yourself, you will develop a kind of self-inflicted grief that will end up causing stress, hormonal imbalances, and eventually a breakout.

This self-inflicted grief can lead you to overeat and make you gain weight; resulting in an increase of your stress even more because it will become more difficult for you to avoid eating high inflammatory comfort foods that trigger your acne.

4. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra, otherwise known as Sahasrara, is located at the top of the head which allows us to access higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal obsessions and revelations. It is connected with your cerebral cortex, central nervous system, and skin.

This chakra is a source connection with the divine, or in other words, it’s our connection with God and our meaning of life. It deals with all aspects of your spirituality and source of existence in this life.

When you experience a lack of trust in the divine or feel resentment towards the divine, your Sahasrara becomes unbalanced.

There are many different reasons why you may have issues with the divine that can originate from your religious beliefs, pain from grief, and personal experiences in life. But if you become disconnected from the divine, you can start feeling depressed, alone, and unsatisfied with life.

By finding difficulty trusting your path in life, you will become unable to let go of anxiety and fear which will later cause chronic stress. At this point you already understand that this chronic stress is a trigger for acne and considering that your Sahasrara is directly connected to your skin, your stress can cause a faster breakout.

What Are The Emotional Causes Of Acne?

Your chakras are directly influenced by your emotions in both a positive and negative way. Strong positive emotions like love have the ability to clear your chakras, but strong negative emotions can cause trauma and stress that get locked up in your chakras and throw them out of balance.

The inflammatory stress response that these emotions cause results in the brain activating the release of chemicals, which together with various hormones such as cortisol become responsible for the inflammation that occurs in the skin, all this causes the healing of the skin to be delayed because the natural barriers of the skin are altered, directly affecting the entire immune system.

Think about issues that you may have that cause your stress; Is your work-life demanding? Do you have many obligations in your personal life? Are you a student who’s feeling the pressures of peers? 

These feelings of stressors will then build up in your body and store over time. Similar to toxins in foods, chemicals, and other earthly possessions, eradicating such tons is a long-term process.

Here are the 3 main emotions that produce a strong impact on your sympathetic nervous system and cause a stress response in your body:

1. Fear

Fear is the emotion we feel when we are threatened by something or someone, especially if the threat is physical. This emotion produces high levels of anxiety that can later turn into stress. In this day and age with the power of social media, fear has become very common because we prioritize what other people think about us and we fear not being accepted or being ridiculed.

The most dangerous part of fear is that it can easily turn into anger when you get offended by what you watch on social media and it will keep your body in a constant state of stress.

2. Anger

Anger is the most powerful negative emotion that can literally take control over your mind and body if you let it grow too fast. When you feel something or someone has done wrong towards you or your ideals, your body automatically causes a fight or flight response (acute stress response) in which you find a way to solve the problem or decide to attack out of pure rage, both physically or verbally.

3. Frustration

Frustration is quite an overlooked emotion that is very similar to anger but it can actually cause stress for long periods of time. When you feel upset or annoyed because you are not able to achieve a goal, then you get frustrated and filled with stress. Unfortunately, this emotion has become very common in our 9-5 workweek society as we all have to go to work in which some cases people don’t actually like their job, but need the paycheck.

This emotion can become so powerful that people actually die of it by overworking to achieve their goal.

Feeling these negative emotions is normal and in many cases inevitable, but when you decide to ignore these emotions or lock them deep within yourself, then you will block your chakras and retain stress in your body for a long time making it turn into chronic stress which will later cause problems in your body such as an acne breakout.

Next time you feel these emotions, just allow yourself to feel them and look at them pass by instead of clinging on to them. Remember that everything you experience in life is not about what happens to you but how you respond to it.

What Is The Spiritual Root Cause Of Your Acne?

Imbalances in the reproductive glands, immune system, slow metabolism, lack of sleep, and hormonal imbalances can cause stress and acne to the body. If you are unaware of these disturbances within your body, you inadvertently, are blocking the energy flow of the chakras. 

Relationships that are wronged, as well as physical and mental illnesses, can cause stress to occur.

Holding grudges, for instance, can cause stress that impedes your chakras. 

Organs that are not functioning properly can cause the chakras to block which in turn could permeate themselves as acne. 

For instance, the heart chakra is conscientious of the mind and spirit. Inviting harmony, finding peace and tranquility in all you do permits the heart chakra to be more receptive to the flowing energy which is essential for transcending between earthly and spiritual desires. 

The root chakra is what regulates the immune system, therefore, keeping your body healthy and free of sickness releases the root chakra to function properly. 

The sacral plexus chakra allows for the production of hormones. If one has an imbalance of hormones, either male or female, this can transcend into a blockage of the sacral plexus chakra; which in turn, imbalances your body from clarity and peace. 

Meditation can play a crucial role in opening each chakra to clear your body and mind of anything that is keeping you from achieving inner balance. Working on clearing your mind and body of obstructed chakras will balance your energy. 

Focusing on receiving rather than giving, healing old wounds, being grateful are measures to take to open chakras to their full potential.

Also, using different tools such as chakra candles, chakra sprays, and chakra bracelets can be very beneficial in opening up your chakras faster and helping you find balance in your day-to-day life.


The skin is a beacon for our overall health that lets us know whenever there is something wrong inside our bodies. Having blocked chakras that are connected to specific organs in your body can have an impact on those organs and cause internal issues which later manifest themselves on your skin in the form of acne as a way of your body telling you that there is something wrong inside. 

However, in most cases, blocked chakras can provoke an acne breakout from all the trauma and stress accumulated in them over a period of time that needs to be released in order to regain balance.

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Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for advice or treatment from your physician or healthcare provider. You should consult your licensed physician for any medical treatment before trying alternative medicine.

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