Can Blocked Chakras Cause Weight Gain? (Solved)

Are you gaining weight even though you are on a diet and exercise regularly?

There are different factors that can affect your body weight besides diet, exercise, and sleep. Whether it’s for gaining weight or losing weight, you have to take into consideration the different systems of your body that can have an impact on your body mass.

A system like your endocrine system that deals with your hormones can be heavily impacted by your emotions and provoke a hormonal imbalance that would naturally make you gain weight. The health of your endocrine system is very important for your health and your weight, but it is not as impactful as your etheric system (subtle body) that connects and affects most of the systems in your body.

In this blog post, you will learn how your chakras can have an impact on your body weight and what you can do about it.

Can Blocked Chakras Cause Weight Gain?

Many people are aware that chakras that are blocked or out of balance can cause a host of issues. A blocked root chakra, for instance, can cause a person to feel anxious. A blocked throat chakra can cause a person to seem cold or unable to express themselves. 

What many people do not realize is that it isn’t only our mental and emotional well-being that is affected by a blocked chakra, our physical health can suffer as well. 

A blocked heart chakra can lead to fatigue and respiratory problems. A crown chakra that is out of balance can cause vision issues which then lead to headaches. 

Another common result of blocked chakras is weight gain or the inability to lose weight, or the opposite problem, trouble gaining and maintaining a healthy weight.

Like everything else in our body, our chakras work as a system, and a problem with one can lead to complications with others, which further exacerbates the original problem. Luckily, with some easy meditations and exercises, our chakras can be unblocked and balance achieved. 

Once your chakras are back in alignment, you will see an improvement in not only your mental well-being but also in your attempts to achieve and keep a healthy weight.

Which Chakra Blocks Weight Loss?

Two chakras are most often associated with an inability to lose weight, the second and the fifth. If you are doing all of the traditional things we are told to do, such as eating healthy and exercising, and you are still having trouble getting rid of extra pounds, you may want to consider doing some work on these two chakras.

1. The Sacral Plexus Chakra (Svadisthana)

The sacral plexus chakra is the second in line and is represented by the color orange. This chakra is located right above our root chakra and similar to the root chakra, is associated with base needs and survival instincts. 

As this chakra is located directly over our reproductive organs, an imbalance can cause issues such as low libido or painful menstrual cycles for women. 

The sacral plexus chakra is also associated with the adrenal glands that produce the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. An imbalance in these two hormones is linked to fatigue and an inability to lose weight, specifically in the upper body and face.

Mentally, an imbalance in the Svadisthana leads to an increase in addictive and compulsive behaviors, especially ones that pertain to our base needs, such as food and sex. An already unhealthy relationship with food would be strained even further by this primal desire to eat. 

When you combine this with the elevated stress caused by an overabundance of cortisol, you have a recipe for stress eating and further weight gain.

How To Heal Your Sacral Plexus Chakra For Weight Loss

Once you have determined that your sacral plexus chakra is blocked, what can you do about it? 

  • Burn incense with clarifying properties such as spearmint, eucalyptus, and clary sage. 
  • Meditate and repeat affirmations that boost your confidence, such as “I deserve to feel joy and satisfaction each day” or “creativity and inspiration flow through my entire being.” 
  • Yoga poses such as happy baby and squat will help bring movement to the sacral chakra. 
  • Svadisthana is a water chakra, and reconnecting to water through taking a relaxing bath or even just having a small fountain in your space can help get your energy flowing properly again.

2. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is also called the throat chakra and is located, you guessed it, in our throats. The throat chakra has a relationship to food for several reasons, the most obvious being that anything and everything we consume must pass through our throat. 

Also located in our throat, is our thyroid gland, which has a huge impact on our metabolism and weight. An underactive thyroid is a common cause behind an inability to lose weight. An underactive thyroid is also a symptom of a blocked throat chakra.

Vishuddha doesn’t only affect us physically, it is also connected to our ability to express ourselves. An imbalance in the fifth chakra can cause a person to feel uncomfortable or unable to speak their truths and instead bottle up their feelings. 

Eating comfort foods that are high in sugar or salt is a common coping mechanism for emotional turmoil. If someone feels uncomfortable in their environment, they will seek comfort in other things. This behavior can lead to destructive eating habits.

How To Heal Your Throat Chakra For Weight Loss

Now that you know there is an issue with your throat chakra, you can start the process of clearing it out and getting it back in working order. 

  • Yoga poses like plow and shoulder stand will help stretch your neck muscles and relieve some of the blocked energy. 

Which Chakra Blocks Weight Gain?

As mentioned earlier, all of our chakras work as part of a larger system, and the ultimate goal is to have all of them clear so energy can flow freely through us. However, if you are trying to gain weight or maintain a healthy weight, there is one, in particular, you will want to pay attention to.

The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Manipura is the fourth chakra in our bodies and is also called the solar plexus chakra. This chakra sits above our naval and just below our sternum, directly in line with our pancreas and digestive organs. 

Manipura is associated with our endocrine glands that produce much of our body’s insulin. Insulin imbalances are notorious for causing weight fluctuations and metabolic problems.

Emotionally, an imbalance in our solar plexus chakra will manifest as low self-esteem, a lack of direction, and an overall feeling of being lost. When people experience these feelings, they often turn to food as a comfort, which is not healthy. 

When you combine these feelings with an imbalance of insulin and excess stress hormones, your body is not going to regulate its sugars or burn fat properly.

How To Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra For Weight Gain

Keeping your Manipura in good flowing order is simple if you know the steps to take. Balancing your solar plexus chakra is all about bringing back your confidence. 

  • Burn incense with invigorating scents like sandalwood, cinnamon, or saffron. 
  • Practice mantras to pump yourself up, for example, “I don’t need to control anything except my reactions” or “I am capable and stand in my power each day.” 
  • Doing a Sun Salutation to start your day will not only wake you up but will also help you feel connected to the firey energy that rules the solar plexus.


There are many different issues in your body, both big and small, that can negatively impact the way you lose, retain, or gain body weight. Some can be easily found and fixed, like constipation, low metabolism, insulin resistance, and many more physical issues that are related to your diet. Other issues are not easy to detect unless they are diagnosed after a medical checkup, like an underactive thyroid.

Most of these issues, if not all, can be the result of blocked chakras causing an imbalance in your physical body and preventing you from losing weight or gaining weight. 

By opening your blocked chakras and allowing your energy to flow freely throughout your body, you will regain balance in all your body systems and finally be able to lose or gain those extra pounds you are aiming for.

However, even though you will feel better after opening your chakras and your body will be ready for its transformation, you will still need proper diet and exercise to actually lose or gain those extra pounds.

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Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for advice or treatment from your physician or healthcare provider. You should consult your licensed physician for any medical treatment before trying alternative medicine.

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