
What Is Reiki And What Are Its Benefits?

Imagine that you could take a therapeutic spa that will alleviate any physical and emotional pain in your life. All from the comfort of your own home without the need for a bath, oils, cleansing treatments, or relaxing massage. Leaving you feeling completely refreshed and clear-minded even after a hard stressful day. This is the power of Reiki.

What Is Reiki And How Does It Work?

Reiki is a holistic energy healing therapy developed in ancient Japan that can heal the body, mind, and spirit by inducing deep relaxation, bringing back balance into the body, and activating the body’s ability to heal itself. It is used to treat physical ailments, emotional traumas, spiritual blockages, depression, stress, and anxiety.

A Reiki practitioner will induce deep relaxation in the patient throughout the session by channeling universal life force energy into the patient through the laying on hands with the intention of healing the patient’s specific ailment. This will allow the proper flow of energy and fluids throughout the body to provide balance and induce self-healing.

Reiki meaning in Japanese words: “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life force) is the energy that surrounds us and any living creature in the universe.

What Is Reiki Good For?

Reiki is good for stress reduction, relaxation, and aids in improving medical conditions or treatments for:

Chronic illness



Neurodegenerative disorders

Blood Pressure

Heart disease




Crohn’s disease


What Are The Main Reiki Benefits?

Induces Deep Relaxation

On a reiki session, you will lay down in a comfortable position with soothing music that will get you completely relaxed in a state of meditation while you feel the positive energy flowing through your body. After the session, you will stay in a state of deep relaxation for a long time.

Brings Harmony & Balance

Positive energy transfer will bring overall wellness to your mind, body, and spirit. Your mind will get rid of the fog and stress, while your body will balance itself through all its systems from hormones to blood pressure, making you achieve a state of complete harmony.

Removes Tension From Your Body

With a relaxed state of mind, your body will naturally remove all the tension it forms throughout the day due to the constant stress you find in your daily life. Your muscles will soften up, making you feel light and leaving you with a sense of peacefulness.

Compliments Medical Treatments & Therapies

Reiki improves the symptoms and conditions of your illness by reducing the pain and boosting your body’s ability to heal itself. It’s like taking a sauna after working out, all the muscle pain from the workout will be reduced by the relaxing of your muscles in the sauna.

Improves Your Immune System

Reiki triggers the repair state of rest and digestion in our body. This increases the production of white blood cells in our body, making our immune system stronger and ready to fight any foreign invader.

Cleanses Your Body From Toxins

Positive energy improves and speeds up your body’s ability to flush out toxins from your system, including negative energy. This helps your body stay in a state of overall wellness.

Breaks Down Energy Blocks

Stress, pain, fear, and anger can block energy passageways (otherwise known as chakras) making you lose energy and feel bad. Reiki positive energy can unblock these energy passageways and promote a consistent flow of energy throughout your body making you feel in complete balance and harmony.

Boosts Your Mood

With positive energy transfer, you can feel overloaded with energy and love, making it almost impossible not to be in a great mood. Practicing reiki in the morning is a great way to start the day with tons of energy.

Balances The Mind, Body, And Spirit

Reiki works with your mind, body, and spirit at the same time as your body needs to be relaxed, your mind cleared in a state of meditation, and your spirit tuned in to receive the positive energy. This creates balance inside you and gets you in a state of complete wellness.

Helps You Overcome Insomnia

Reiki can help address the underlying cause of insomnia by restoring your mental balance and giving you back control of your condition. As well as helping you get relaxed in bed which makes you fall asleep.

Clears Your Mind And Improves Focus

We tend to overthink things and dwell in the past. Reiki makes you be in the present moment and focus on current events instead of anxiety of the future or mistakes of the past. By living in the present you maintain a clear mind and focus your surroundings.

Helps You Sleep Better

With deep relaxation in a reiki session, it is not uncommon to fall asleep during the session. This extreme relaxation also makes you sleep better at night after the reiki session and have more fulfilling REM sleep.

Helps You Overcome Depression

Reiki’s positive energy will turn your sadness into love and loneliness into a connection with the universal life force. This positive energy transfer will elevate your attitude and gratitude towards life itself.

Reduces Your Anxiety 

Anxiety is a product of overthinking and always thinking about the worst that could happen. You will calm your mind during a reiki session and maintain positive thoughts after the session has finished, resulting in no more overthinking and living in the present.

Assists Your Body’s Natural Healing Process

Reiki will balance your body’s systems and improve your body’s ability to heal itself. Considering that your body heals itself while you sleep at night, by improving your REM sleep, your body will have more time to heal itself, resulting in faster healing.

It’s Calming For Your Children

Children can be hyperactive and impulsive, especially after a sugar rush. Western medicine usually prescribes Adderall or Ritalin to suppress these symptoms which usually do more harm than good in your children. A safer and most beneficial approach is to apply reiki and relax them.

It Supports Your Pregnancy

Reiki is completely safe for pregnancy as it helps women with back pain and nausea caused by pregnancy. It also promotes health and wellness for your baby.

It Reduces Pain & Anxiety In Pets

Animals are very sensitive to energy healing and they love it. Their reiki sessions are usually shorter due to their sensitivity to energy. Reiki can help your pet calm down by reducing its anxiety and it reduces the pain after surgery.

It Helps People In Their Deathbed Cope With Death

Reiki uses the universal life force around us which has been described in different cultures of religions as chi, qi, prana, and the holy spirit. By feeling the energy transfer during a session, the patient feels a connection of love and harmony with the afterlife, helping them cope with going away from this mortal life.

It Helps With The Loss Of A Loved One

Just as it helps people on their deathbed, positive energy transfer also helps people who lost a loved one as it can assure them that their loved one went to a place of love and harmony. This also helps with reducing the pain of their loss.

It Removes Headaches & Relieves Migraines

Reiki will release the pain and pressure of a headache. This is extremely beneficial for people who suffer from migraines, as this positive energy healing will also aid in the treatment of the root cause for the headaches. 

It Relieves Fatigue

Extreme tiredness occurs when you have lost most of your energy for working too hard or just having a long day. Reiki will charge your body with more energy and remove that feeling of tiredness.

Encourages Spiritual Growth

It is inevitable to sense spiritual growth after a reiki session as you feel unconditional love moving throughout your body and around you. You get grounded with the universal life force which feels like God is literally hugging you.

Relieves Emotional Stress And Improves Overall Wellbeing

Our emotions play a huge part in our perception of the world. When we feel sad, angry, or a sense of fear, we experience huge emotional stress which can take a toll on our mind and body. Reiki removes these negative emotions and replaces them with love and harmony, improving our overall well-being.

Enhances Quality Of Life

When you practice Reiki and feel unconditional love flowing throughout your body, you become more grateful for your life and happy with the simple fact that you are alive. 

Refines Personal Relationships

All this love and gratitude you feel becomes contagious. People can sense this happy energy in you and are attracted to that energy. By feeling full of love, you show that love to others making them like you even more and want to spend time with you.

Self-Reiki Benefits

You Can Practice On Your Own

There is no need for the presence of a reiki master or anyone else. It can be practiced by yourself alone on yourself.

It’s Completely Free

Most Reiki sessions are usually charged and you have to keep paying to keep getting the healing. By doing the healing yourself, you can save that money and time from commuting to the session.

You Can Practice At Your Own Time

The best thing about self-reiki is that you can heal yourself at any time you want, anywhere you want. This allows you the flexibility to practice this energy-healing technique at your own pace.

You Can Increase Your Connection With The Universal Life Force

By channeling energy towards your own body you create a bigger connection with the universal life force as you are tunned into it. The more you practice the more in tune you become. It’s like having a one-on-one with God.

You Maintain A Higher Balance Of Mind, Body, And Spirit

By practicing self-reiki you enter in a deeper state of meditation and keep a mindset of positivity. This maintains a complete balance within you filled with gratefulness and awareness of the energy flowing inside you.

Reiki Benefits For Students

Improves Your Concentration & Memory

It removes any brain fog and anxiety you may have, helping you concentrate on the present task at hand. This clarity of mind also improves your ability to retain information and increase your understanding of each topic you are studying.

Improves Your Expression In Writing

Reiki flows positive energy in your mind and body making you feel relaxed with a calm mind. Having a calm mind removes all the overthinking and reduces the overwhelming feeling of sharing everything in your mind. This way you can focus on one thing at a time and express your thoughts with a positive touch.

Improves Your Exam Performance

There is always a feeling of anxiousness before taking an exam and no matter how prepared you are, you always get a mental block during the exam, which increases your anxiety. With positive energy transfer, you can reduce that anxiety during an exam and improve your instant recollection of the subject at hand.

Improves Your Confidence To Face Challenges

Whenever you face a challenge, the first two thoughts in your mind are how can you screw this up and how have you screwed up in the past. By changing your mindset towards positive thinking, you can embrace the challenge and have a clear mind to think of the best solution at your disposal.

Increases Your Energy

Studying can be hard and overwhelming on both your mind and body. This drains your energy completely and gives you a sense of retaining too much information. Reiki can recharge your body when you are feeling tired and boost your energy in the morning to embrace the day ahead of you.

Better Judgement Of Your Surroundings

When you balance your body, mind, and soul, you are more sensitive to the energy around you. You can feel negative energy and positive energy as if you have a sixth sense. This is very helpful to read your surroundings and have an increased sense of avoiding trouble and doing the right thing.

Increases Your Focus

In this modern world, it’s very easy to get distracted or lose attention to what you are currently working on. But with a clear mind and boost of energy, you can focus on the task at hand and work on it for a long period of time.

Helps You Think Out Of The Box

Reiki itself can be looked at as something invented by a hippie from people who don’t understand energy healing or have not gone through a session. This kind of mindset keeps people with a closed mind and just by practicing reiki you maintain an open mind which leads to thinking outside the box.

Improves Your Creativity

With positive energy flowing through your body and a clear mind, you become more creative in your problem-solving skills or with your artistic side. Writers lose their writer’s block and painters lose their painting block. You create more when you feel positive and relaxed.

Decreases Your Fears

Fear often comes from the anxiety of failing or getting hurt. Positive energy can remove this fear and give you the courage to try. This works very well for decreasing fear of examination at the time of your most important exams or college applications.

Increases Your Self-Confidence

Confidence comes from feeling good about yourself and being at peace with yourself. After going through an energy transfer session you feel like the most beautiful being alive, filled with love and free from anxiety. This lets you feel great in your own skin and completely forget your insecurities.

Removes Your Performance Anxiety

Stage fright is no joke, we’ve all been there at least once in our lives and it’s very scary to speak or perform in front of a lot of people who have their attention set on you. Reiki removes this fear and anxiety, allowing you to be comfortable on stage and remember exactly what you have to do or say.

Decreases Your Mental Stress

This might be the most important benefit of reiki as mental stress can turn into physical illness very fast. No matter how stressful your life is, the moment you practice a reiki session, you will relax completely and release all that stress you accumulated throughout the day.

Improves Your Logical Thinking

With a clear mind and sharp focus after a healing session, your ability to think logically will be enhanced. It’s like taking a step back, getting a deep breath, and looking at your options, all in an instant.

Benefits Of Distance Reiki

You Don’t Need To Travel Or Leave Your Home

This is the biggest benefit of distance reiki, as a reiki master can send reiki healing to anyone in the world as long as the person receiving the healing consents and accepts the energy sent to them.

You Can Choose A Distance Healer From Anywhere In The World

You can make an appointment with any reiki master around the world and find the most experienced masters. This can improve the quality of your healing, as well as ensure you are receiving healing from a certified reiki master.

You Can Get Healing Anytime, Anywhere

Many of us live busy lives and have a small window during the day or night to book a session. Some of us need healing at a certain time like when you get out of surgery or during the surgery. It doesn’t matter in what day or what time you need the healing, there will always be a reiki master around the world who can perform the session, even if it’s at 3 am at night in your local time.

It Respects Your Privacy

If you feel uncomfortable with having an in-person session or you are sensitive about your privacy, distance reiki is ideal for you. You don’t have to provide an address, connect through the internet, or reveal private information. 

You Can Send Healing To Your Past Or Future

Considering that time is not linear, the distance healing symbol bridges time and space, allowing you to send healing to your past self, present self, or future self.

You Can Have Multiple Reiki Healers In The Same Session

Having multiple healers channeling energy to you will reduce the amount of time in the session and your healing will be a lot stronger. This can be very beneficial for healing pain and illness.

You Can Send Healing To A Loved One Far Away From You

If you live in a different country than your family or you are traveling for a long period of time, you can still send healing to the people you care about. This is very helpful when a family member gets sick and you can’t fly to them for whatever reason.

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