
How To Use Reiki Symbol Stones (The Right Way!)

Reiki sacred symbols are hard to activate and use, especially as a level II Reiki practitioner like me. 

You have to practice visualizing and drawing each symbol in the air with your hand, one line at a time without messing it up or you will have to start all over again. It can become quite overwhelming to get the symbols right the first couple of times, especially when you consider how complex the symbols can be and how many steps they require.

This is no longer a problem when you start using Reiki symbol stones that already have each symbol engraved on the stone and it’s ready to activate. By having the symbols already drawn and ready to use, you will be able to activate them very fast with little effort.

Today you will learn how to use these Reiki stones the right way on yourself or a recipient!

How To Use Reiki Symbol Stones (Step By Step)

Before you start, make sure that the symbols are engraved on the right type of stone because if it’s not a crystal with reiki symbols, then the stone will not be able to hold a charge and you will not be able to activate the symbol properly. This is a very common mistake beginners do as they just paint the symbol over a normal rock and expect it to work.

Don’t get me wrong, if you have the right type of crystal and you decide to engrave it with Reiki symbols, then go for it. Otherwise, you can get a premade Reiki symbols stone set from a crystal store and work with it.

The 7 main stones that have a unique energy charge that can be amplified with Reiki and used to activate Reiki symbols are: 

– Black Obsidian

– Peach Selenite

– Rose Quartz

– Lapis Lazuli 

– Green Aventurine

– Golden Calcite

– Clear Quartz

Now you can start healing yourself or others with Reiki symbol stones by following these 9 simple steps which work the same way for self-healing, distance healing, or healing a recipient:

1. Cleanse The Reiki Stones 

Crystals are very sensitive to energy as they can absorb and maintain it. But they can hold both positive and negative energy which directly affects the usability of the crystal for healing as negative energy can disrupt your healing or worse prevent it all together. This is why you should always cleanse your crystals before using them, especially if they are brand new out of the box.

There are various ways you can cleanse your crystals from leaving them out in the light of a full moon for half an hour, smudging them with sage, or submerging them in a bowl of salt water for 20 minutes (except for selenite which would dissolve in water). I personally like to leave them in direct sunlight for 30 minutes because besides cleansing the crystals, it also charges them!

2. Choose The Reiki Symbol Stones You Are Going To Use

There are tons of Reiki symbols that have been developed over time by different Reiki masters, but we will focus only on the traditional Usui sacred symbols that you can commonly find in Reiki symbol jewelry and stone sets. You can either use the power symbol by itself for healing or you can use a combination of symbols to strengthen the healing power of Reiki and be able to focus the energy on a specific area.

Choosing the symbol stones you are going to use is entirely based on what you need the Reiki energy for. Whether it’s for healing, protection, or distance healing, you need to use the specific symbol for the intention. 

Lets briefly breakdown the use and meaning of each of the 4 traditional Usui Reiki sacred symbols:

Cho Ku Rei: The Power Symbol

Image Author: Stephen Buck (CC)

Otherwise known as “the light switch” because it activates all the other symbols and allows Reiki practitioners who are only able to channel first degree energy to turn on the second degree energy which is stronger. 

Cho Ku Rei is used for protection on all levels as it can protect you from negative energy, bad encounters, losing your belongings, or protect you while traveling. It can be used to help your career bringing new opportunities and protect you from losing your job. This power symbol brings balance into your life and it’s always beneficial to carry it with you everywhere you go.

Sei Hei Ki: The Harmony Symbol

Image Author: Stephen Buck (CC)

Also known as the mental symbol because it is used for emotional and mental healing that can help you remove your inner demons and find inner peace. This symbol releases mental and emotional blockages that affect your intuition and allows the healing to begin.

Sei Hei Ki is used to treat your addictions and unwanted habits that gravely affect your daily life. It is also very beneficial for helping you work on your relationship problems, overcome the grief of losing a loved one, and overcome negative emotions like fear, anger, and sadness. As well as improve your memory and enhance your affirmations by making them have a bigger impact on your life.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: The Distance Symbol

Image Author: Stephen Buck (CC)

There is no place this symbol can’t reach as it is used to transcend time and space. The distance symbol allows you to channel Reiki to your past, present, or future which is extremely beneficial to heal your childhood traumas and improve future situations by sending Reiki in advance for a job application, a college exam, or anything you are expecting to encounter in the future.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen can also be used to send distance healing to someone else across the room or to someone in another country in an entirely different continent. Your reach is completely unlimited, but be aware that the person receiving the healing must consent and accept the healing because Reiki cannot be forced.

Dai Ko Myo: The Master Symbol

Image Author: Stephen Buck (CC)

This symbol can only be used and accessed by a Reiki Master with a level 3 attunement as it is a very powerful symbol that combines the power of the previous 3 symbols to reach enlightenment and heal your spirit. It shows you who you really are and brings you back to God as it affects you on a spiritual level.

Dai Ko Myo is used to open the channels during an attunement and it also helps heal your soul by heightening your connection to the universe and the universal life force energy itself as it is the symbol with the highest vibration. You can use the master symbol to heal chakras directly and any disease you may have on the subconscious level.

3. Charge/Bless The Reiki Stones

Once you figure out which Reiki engraved stones you are going to use, you will proceed with charging the stones by relaxing, accessing the universal life force energy, and channel the energy into the stones. It will only take 15 minutes to charge the stones but you can spend more time charging them so that they hold the charge for much longer.

The great thing about charging the stones with Reiki is that the stones already vibrate on a high frequency, and when you infuse them with Reiki energy, they will hold a stronger charge and provide increased healing.

4. Lie Down Or Sit Down Comfortably

Now that your Reiki crystals are ready to use, it’s time to start the healing process by getting yourself into a comfortable position. If you are only using the power symbol stone you can sit down in a lotus position or if you are not flexible enough to do that (like me) then just sit down on a chair.

If you are going to use other symbols stones on yourself then you should lie down on the floor or on a sturdy day bed because you are later going to place the stones over your chakras which would otherwise fall down if you are sitting down. However, if you are planning to send distance healing to someone else, then you can just sit down.

5. Hold The Reiki Stone In Your Hand

At this point, if you are using multiple symbols I know that I just told you to lie down, but for this part don’t lie down flat on the floor, just sit there with your legs stretched out and hold the Reiki stones that you are going to use in your hands.

To harness the power of the symbol you must hold the stone in the palm of your hand with the symbol looking up. This way you can look and focus directly on the symbol instead of having to visualize it in your head.

6. Set Your Intention

This is the part where you tell the universal life force energy what you need from it. You should set your intention right before you activate the symbols so that the Reiki energy knows where it needs to go and provide the proper healing or protection you require.

When you set your intention, you will access and feel the universal life force energy stored in the Reiki stones that you are holding in the palm of your hand. At this point, you are ready to activate the symbols and access the second degree energy.

7. Activate The Symbols

To activate the symbol you have to silently intone the words of the symbol 3 times while looking directly at the symbol in the stone. Otherwise, the symbol will not work. If you are only using the Cho Ku Rei symbol, then this is the only step you have to take, but if you are using more than one symbol, you have to use the Reiki sandwich. Keep in mind that the reiki sandwich becomes bigger with every symbol you add and you must always use them in order. 

To activate the Sei Hei Ki symbol you have to silently intone Cho Ku Rei 3 times, then intone Sei Hei Ki 3 times, and finally intone Cho Ku Rei 3 times to complete the Reiki sandwich.

To activate the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol you have to silently intone Cho Ku Rei 3 times, then intone Sei Hei Ki 3 times, then intone Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen 3 times, and finally intone Cho Ku Rei 3 times to complete the Reiki sandwich.

To activate the Dai Ko Myo symbol is a little different as you will have to begin with that symbol always because it is the most powerful symbol. You will silently intone Dai Ko Myo 3 times, then intone Cho Ku Rei 3 times, then intone Sei Hei Ki 3 times, then intone Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen 3 times, and finally intone Cho Ku Rei 3 times to complete the Reiki sandwich.

8. Place The Reiki Stones Over Their Appropriate Chakra 

After you activated the symbols you are going to use, you can now proceed to lay down flat on the floor if you are using other symbols besides the power symbol. You can skip this step if you are only using the power symbol.

If you are sending distance healing to someone else, you have to place the Reiki stones over a photo of the recipient and keep your hands (palm down) hovering over the stones.

As mentioned before, always start with the power symbol that activates the other symbols (unless you are using the master symbol) and place them in order over your chakras.

– Place the power symbol stone over your root chakra.

– Then place the harmony symbol stone on your third eye chakra.

– Then place the distance symbol stone on your sacral chakra.

If you are using the master symbol stone, place it over your crown chakra and remember to place it before placing the power symbol stone.

After you have placed all the Reiki chakra stones you are using, you can then continue to the final step where the healing will take place.

9. Meditate With The Reiki Stones 

Now that you have the activated Reiki symbol stones over your chakras (or in your hand in the case of only using the power symbol) you can stay there between 15 minutes to 30 minutes meditating while the healing takes place. This allows the Reiki energy of the crystals to flow into your energy while you’re in your most perceptive state during your meditation.

If you don’t know how to meditate or have never meditated in your life, don’t worry, you can follow a guided meditation like this:

10. Spice It Up (Optional) 

You can increase the positive energy around you and induce faster relaxation by adding certain elements to your healing session such as playing healing sounds from singing bowls, lighting a candle, or burning incense before you begin your session. But this is completely optional if you wish to spice up your healing session.

Some people like to drink green tea in addition to the healing sounds and incense before starting their session in order to experience relaxation around the 4 senses of taste, touch, smell, and sound.

You can also use essential oils which also have a high vibration by placing one drop over your chakras before you place the Reiki stones.

Comment below if you found this article helpful and let us know how much you use your Reiki engraved stones!

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