
Can Reiki Bring Back An Ex Love? (5 Powerful Ways)

Breakups can be very painful, especially if you have been together for years. All you want is to make things great as they used to be in the beginning, but the last thing you want to do is crawl back to your partner begging him/her to take you back with a face filled with tears, until the point you annoy him/her and close your chances of actually getting back together.

You can try psychological games to make him/her jealous by seeing you with another person whether it’s in the real world or on your social media posts. You can even get those “texting hacks that will make him/her fall back in love with you” and win him/her over. But even if it works, it won’t last because the connection that made your relationship so great will still be out of balance.

The only way to truly bring back an ex-love is to deepen and fortify the connection. Today you will learn how to improve your connection with an ex-love by using the power of Reiki.

What Is Reiki And How Does It Work?

Reiki is an energy healing practice that originated in Japan to heal the body, mind, and spirit by balancing a patient’s personal energy. A balanced personal energy will increase the patient’s vibration and provoke a faster healing process. 

It works by having a Reiki practitioner or preferably a Reiki master access the universal life force energy that surrounds all living beings and set the intention to heal the patient. Once the Reiki Master sets the intention, he/she will become an energy vessel and transfer the universal life force energy into the patient by laying hands over the patient’s clothed body without touching the patient.

This energy transfer will unblock the patient’s energy centers, otherwise known as chakras, and create an energy balance throughout the patient’s body improving physical healing and releasing emotional trauma.

How Can Reiki Bring Back An Ex Love?

When you experience a Reiki session and feel the universal life force energy flow through your body making you feel in a completely relaxed state and in harmony with everything, you realize that Reiki energy is just pure love.

It’s such a powerful love force that it can deepen a connection in a relationship and increase the love between you and your ex-partner.

But keep in mind that Reiki always does what is best for everyone. You cannot force Reiki onto someone who is not open to receiving the energy. If the relationship is not meant to be, then Reiki will help make the separation easier and less painful. But if it is meant to be, then there are 5 things you can do that will deepen the connection and make your ex-partner come back to you.

1. Understand How Reiki Heals Relationships

As mentioned before, Reiki cannot be forced, you can’t just simply send a Reiki spell to your ex-partner and expect him/her to come back to you with open arms. Reiki is the energy of dynamic growth, meaning that it will help your relationship bond grow by promoting empathy and reducing conflict. 

When your empathy increases, it makes you stand in your ex-partner’s shoes and see his/her perspective on things. This perspective will help you improve communication in your relationship which is the most crucial part of all relationships. By showing empathy your ex-partner can learn by your example, step in your shoes, and see things from your perspective.

Having this increased empathy and improved communication will help you compromise on common grounds and state the boundaries in your relationship. This will deepen your connection and make it so strong it will be really hard to break it again.

2. Practice Self-Reiki Emotional Healing

All breakups leave emotional wounds on both sides of the relationship that require a long time to close and become a scar. It’s very difficult to deepen a connection with your ex-love if these emotional wounds stay open and ignored. 

Reiki can open your crown chakra and heal these emotional wounds caused by your breakup, as well as heal any past trauma you might have experienced that could be affecting all your relationships on a subconscious level. These past traumas are often overlooked as just memories of the past, but they can affect your relationship on a huge level without even knowing about it. 

Once you have healed your emotional wounds and past traumas, you will feel a whole lot better, like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders and your ex-partner will notice it in you, as you will emit a new energy of inner peace.

But keep in mind that you need to get a level 1 attunement to practice Self-Reiki, otherwise find a Reiki practitioner to perform the healing.

3. Use Reiki Affirmations For Relationships

Reiki affirmations are a great tool for setting your intentions and manifest your deeper connection with your ex-partner. Reading, listening, and especially speaking out loud Reiki affirmations for relationships every day can create a big impact on your mindset and emotions, making you attract your ex-love back into your life. Once he/she is back in your life, you will be able to improve your communication, start healing your emotional wounds together, and deepen your connection.

These affirmations will also help you maintain empathy for your partner every day, which will eventually keep the compromises you made stored in your subconscious mind, making it easier to remember them and maintaining them without even trying.

Here are some affirmations for relationships you can listen to and repeat every day to fortify your connection with you ex-love:

4. Use Distance Healing With Intention

You can send Reiki energy directly to your relationship bond, even after a breakup, as you still maintain a small bond from the experiences you shared together. This will strengthen your connection and increase your love for each other.

It is advised that you first heal your emotional wounds and emotional trauma before performing this distance healing because you don’t want to have a blocked heart chakra that will prevent the love energy to flow through or even be blocked by negative energy.

The way you can perform distance healing is by finding a photo of you two together (this works best) or an object that represents your relationship, which has meaning to you. Then find a special place to put and store the photo or object away from other belongings. 

When you put your photo or object in place, start invoking the universal life force energy and feel it running through your body onto your hands. Do this with the intent of healing your relationship by thinking about how much the relationship means to you and by asking for clarity of your relationship.

Then transfer the energy from your hands to the photo or object, still with the intention of healing your relationship by saying out loud a love prayer or love affirmation repeatedly for at least 3 times. 

To make the healing stronger, draw each Reiki symbol you are attuned to (only with your hands, not literally with a pen) over the photo or object in the form of a Reiki sandwich, and invoke the sacred name of each symbol three times as you draw them. Then draw the same reiki sandwich on your palm and all upper chakras.

If you don’t have a Reiki level 2 attunement, you can always get a Reiki practitioner to send distance healing with the intention of healing your relationship.

5. Use The Reiki Symbol For Love

The Harth symbol is part of the Karuna Reiki system, and it’s a powerful symbol that represents pure unconditional love with compassion. This symbol is often used to heal the heart and open the heart chakra. It’s known to have a strong connection to the feminine representation of divinity like Mother Mary for Christians and Kwan Yin for Buddhists. 

This symbol was specifically designed to heal relationships of any kind, whether love relationships, friendships, or family relationships. Making it the best Reiki symbol you can use to heal and deepen your connection with your ex-love.

To use this symbol, integrate it inside your reiki sandwich during your distance healing as the fourth symbol or get a Reiki master with Karuna Reiki training to perform the distance healing with the integration of the Harth symbol. As always with the intention of healing and deepening your relationship connection with your ex-partner.

6. Use Reiki To Attract A Specific Person

If you tried all the methods above for more than 30 days and there are no signs that your ex-love will come back, then you have to accept that the relationship is just not meant to be. No matter how much it can hurt to realize this, you should know that the universe has someone better for you, with whom you will have a very strong connection. 

You can use Reiki to attract your true soulmate by practicing Self-Reiki and increasing your personal vibration. This way you can attract someone with the same vibration into your life and build a solid connection from the start. Remember to always set the intention of finding your true soulmate the moment you invoke the Reiki energy.

Also listen, read, and repeat out loud relationship affirmations and affirmations specifically to request the attraction of your soulmate. This will not just open your heart chakra to attract love, but it will also get you into the right mindset of finding the right person.

Comment below if you have tried any of these methods or if you know any other Reiki method that can work to bring back an ex!

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