Can Reiki Help Restless Leg Syndrome?

There is nothing worse than coming back home after a long day at work and not being able to sleep peacefully throughout the night. Especially when it’s your own body the one that doesn’t let you sleep, as your legs feel like they have a mind of their own and all they want to do is run a marathon at 2 o’clock in the morning.

Even by taking your meds and walking a few steps to shake it off, your sleep cycle is already ruined for the rest of the night and you end up waking up feeling tired in the morning over and over again until feeling tired becomes your daily routine.

But you can always break this pattern with an energy healing therapy called Reiki that can reduce your restless leg syndrome effects and greatly improve your sleep cycle by keeping you asleep all night long.

What Is Restless Leg Syndrome?

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) also known as Willis-Ekbum disease, is a common neurological and sleep disorder that affects 10% of the U.S. population of which most are women. It’s characterized as an uncomfortable or unpleasant feeling in the leg with the urge to move, that can begin at any age.

This syndrome follows a circadian rhythm, as it tends to occur mostly at night interrupting and even preventing sleep. While disappearing completely during the morning. It can also be triggered by sitting for long periods of time at work on your desk, in a car, a plane flight, or a bus ride.

How To Know If You Have Restless Leg Syndrome?

Sometimes people think that it’s an anxiety issue that will fade away eventually or a biological disease that runs in the family. But, there is no way to know for sure because there is no medical test available for recognizing this disorder. 

However, there are a couple of common symptoms that identify it:

  • Uncomfortable sensations in your leg (like tingling, pain, aching, throbbing, pulling, itching, or creeping)
  • A strong impulse to move your legs.
  • The uncomfortable sensations worsen at night.
  • A feeling of restlessness.
  • The incredible urge to keep moving.
  • A symptom-free period during the morning after feeling uncomfortable sensations in your leg during the night.

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing therapy developed in Japan that improves and speeds up your healing by triggering your body’s ability to heal itself. It works on the assumption that our bodies are energy vessels that are connected to all living things in the universe, as everything to the core is pure energy. This energy therapy has proven to show multiple benefits to recovering patients.

It works by having a Reiki practitioner invoke the universal life force energy that surrounds us all and expands throughout the entire universe, with the intent of bringing balance back into the patient’s body and promote self-healing. Once the Reiki practitioner invokes the universal life force energy, he or she will channel this energy into the patient’s body through the laying of hands over the patient’s clothed body without making physical touch and let the positive energy induce the healing.

How Can Reiki Help Restless Leg Syndrome?

Reiki triggers and increases your body’s ability to heal itself by improving circulation around your body and reduce your stress level which is the source of most chronic ailments. It can help your restless leg syndrome in 4 main ways:

1. It Can Help Regulate Dopamine Levels

Low dopamine levels are known to be a trigger for restless leg syndrome and probably even the main cause. Reiki can help increase and balance your dopamine levels. 

As well as reduce cortisol levels which affect your nervous system. Considering that RLS is a condition of the nervous system, it would be wise to improve your nervous system functions by reducing your stress.

2. It Can Improve Sleep

This could be the best way Reiki helps with your RLS because it directly affects your main issue, getting a good night’s sleep. Reiki makes your body and mind enter into a completely relaxed state, which is Reiki’s greatest benefit. 

When you enter a relaxed state, your body goes into maintenance mode (otherwise known as self-healing mode) making all the repairs it requires. It’s the opposite of the fight or flight response where all the energy resources shift to the functioning of your essential organs in order to survive a life-threatening situation.

This relaxed state is so strong that many people fall asleep in the middle of their Reiki session without even realizing it. Some people even feel their stomachs grumble during a Reiki session because your body switches its energy from bodily functions to digestion when it enters maintenance mode.

After experiencing a Reiki session your mind and emotions will stay in a relaxed state for the rest of the day, helping you fall asleep faster at night and getting a more fulfilling night’s sleep.

3. It Can Unblock All Energy Pathways

Reiki brings balance to your body by unblocking all energy pathways otherwise known as chakras to allow the flow of energy throughout your body. This is very beneficial because the chakra energy system has been linked to the lymphatic system which is a big part of your circulatory system.

A blocked circulatory system can trigger your RLS as there is not enough blood flowing into your legs. But by unblocking your chakras and with them, your lymphatic system, you will allow proper circulation of blood and energy in your body.

This can also release the excess energy blocked in your legs that make them so active when you experience RLS.

4. It Promotes Relaxation

Besides the mental relaxation that helps you sleep and gets you into a relaxed state, Reiki also promotes physical relaxation even though your muscles are not directly stimulated as they would be in a normal massage.

Reiki can help calm down the uncomfortable sensations in your leg by relaxing and softening your muscles. When you relax, your muscles lose tension making all the negative reactions such as tingling, pain, and aching go away.

For greater results in losing muscle tension, I would recommend that you practice Self-Reiki with the intention of relaxing your legs and arms every night before going to sleep, in order to prevent RLS from waking you up during the night. But keep in mind that you need a Reiki level 1 attunement to practice Self-Reiki.

Comment below if you found this article helpful and let us know if there are other ways Reiki has helped you!

Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended for educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for advice or treatment from your physician or health-care provider. You should consult your licensed physician for any medical treatment before trying alternative medicine.

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